On Saturday morning, Jeff finished getting our display set up at the Saturday Market while Bracken and I headed over to a nearby book sale. We needed to go park the car anyway and I wanted to check it out. Our friend Taylor told us about it the week before, telling me there were used books- many withdrawn from the local library- for good deals. At first, I didn’t want to spend any money so dismissed the idea of going, but she told me that there were children’s picture books for only one dollar each. Every single day Bracken wants Jeff and I to read books to him and asks us to read the same ones over and over. We love snuggling up with him reading books. But sometimes we get a bit tired of reading the same ones. I’ve been thinking for quite awhile that it would be nice to get some new books and ones that we really enjoy. Some books we read just because we have them, but not because they are particular favorites.
We located where the book sale was. Taylor gave me some good advice about timing, saying not to go too early because the lines would be crazy long. We arrived about 9:20 in the morning since that was the only time we were able to go that day. I hoped it wasn’t too early. The book sale opened at 9. I was told there were people who had arrived at 5 in the morning and the line just kept growing until it opened. When we arrived, there was still a line, but it was moving quickly and it didn’t take us long before we got in. I realized, while standing in line that I had forgotten to bring a bag with me, to hold our books. People in line pointed to the giant piles of boxes and said: “That’s what those are for!” When we got inside, I was amazed at how many books there were! We located the children’s books section. I started flipping through. We were only able to be there for a short visit, so I looked for beautiful illustrations mostly. I didn’t even read through our picks while we were there. There wasn’t time. After we had seven books picked out, Bracken said “all done!” It was a bit crowded and chaotic for him and he wanted to go back to the Saturday Market (which seems less so because it’s outdoors, I guess.) For not much money at all, we were able to come home with some new (to us) books. Bracken was so excited and ever since has been asking us to read his “new books” to him. We have some new favorites now.
This sign was hanging up downtown. Someone told me this sale happens every year. I can’t wait to go next year! I’d love to spend some more time there. Jeff wants to check it out next time too.
Coming over to capture Bracken’s face against the car window as we unloaded our car in the morning.
We wanted to get back to market from the book sale quickly because we were expecting visitors. My dad and his wife, Dorrie, came up to visit us for the day from southern Oregon. The morning was overcast, but it didn’t take long before the sun came out and warmed everybody up. The weather was sunny and beautiful, they couldn’t have picked a better April market day to come. We walked all around the farmer’s market and the Saturday Market. Bracken got to ride around on Grandpa Bob’s shoulders and make silly faces.
Later in the day Jeff taught Bracken how to blow paper wads with a straw. He made little tiny paper balls out of a napkin, put them in the straw and sent them flying. It delighted Bracken to no end, who had never seen that before. I was happy about it as long as they were all being aimed at the bushes, which they were.
Bracken was quite happy with his new found skill and Jeff started holding up his hand for Bracken to aim at.
Bracken was so exhausted by the end of the day. We went to get the car, while Jeff watched the booth, and ran an errand. On the way back from our errand to the market, Bracken fell asleep in the car. Jeff and I packed up the booth and loaded up the car and he stayed sleeping the whole time. He woke up on the ride home after Jeff had gotten out of the car at Morning Glory Farm to buy some bags of frozen blueberries. He has a sixth sense about blueberries and knows just when some are nearby.
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