We had our egg hunt today at our house, like last year. Our friends came over and the boys headed out to the yard in search of eggs. Bracken was really excited about it. His friend was even more excited about the chickens than he was about finding eggs and wanted to feed them through the fence and watch them, so Bracken ended up finding most of the eggs. When Bracken saw that his friend’s basket didn’t have as many eggs in it, he transferred eggs over. Then his friend shared eggs with him and they passed them back and forth. I laughed because they did the same exact thing last year. (You can see Bracken carrying both baskets in one picture, when he found his friend’s basket laying on the ground forgotten, and bringing it over to him.) Jeff gave the spring baskets a good trim before he brought them outside and gave them to the boys. I’m really glad I had those made before we felt under the weather. Our eggs for the hunt were a mix this year. We didn’t end up dyeing any, like we had planned. Things turned out pretty simple, and felt just right that way. We ended up using hard boiled eggs from our hens and the colors were really pretty on their own. Then we used some wooden eggs from Bracken’s play kitchen, thrown in the mix. And finally, I had one special egg for each boy- knitted and stuffed with wool and lavender. (Pattern here.) I got two finished this year and felt satisfied enough with that for now. Our timing for the hunt was perfect. It was sunny and beautiful, then overcast. After we had gone inside it started pouring rain and it’s kept at it ever since. Just thinking about Bracken’s excitement every time he found another egg in the yard, makes me smile.
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