If you would like to join us, see below.
…Our very favorite huckleberry bush, by the house, covered in tiny pink and white blossoms. Considering how much we enjoy eating the berries, we love to see those blossoms!
…Therapeutic laughter. Especially when it’s really needed.
…Waking up to sunshine.
…Bracken’s delight watching the chipmunk that has a house in the roof of the woodshed.
…The hens not needing to fight over the nesting boxes anymore, now that we have plenty for them.
…Rugs hung out on the line.
…Waking up before Bracken most mornings and reading for a bit before he awoke. A treat I savor.
…Having fresh garlic in the house again. No meal is the same without it.
…Bracken’s excitement when he caught a butterfly in his hand.
…Coming home from time in town and reveling being out in our yard in the sunshine.
…Dropping off some books at the thrift store. (And a little less clutter in the house!)
…Watching a line of chickens following Bracken. And the entertainment our chickens continually bring.
…My sister calling and telling me exactly what I needed to hear at just the right time.
…Bringing in firewood at twilight and the sound of the river being more pronounced, as the world is quieter that time of day.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.

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