Today’s post is a guest post by Jeff, sharing about affordable juicing. Truth be told, there was a time that I did not think it was wise to drink juices of any kind, believing that foods were healthiest in their whole form and that juices had too much concentrated sweetness without the fiber to help the body absorb it more slowly as it naturally would. Also, you could consume much more food than you regularly would in one sitting. The book ‘Nourishing Traditions’ helped shape some of my thoughts about that. I still don’t think pasteurized juices of any kind are good- they’re pure sugar and not nutritious in my opinion, but my thoughts about raw juices changed after reading ‘Gut and Psychology Syndrome’ by Natasha Campbell-McBride. After learning about how toxic people become when they have pathogenic bacteria in their guts (which is so prevalent today for so many reasons) and that juicing is a natural way to detoxify, I changed my stance. I still believe juice is best in small amounts and we mostly stick to vegetables, but I believe it can help people’s bodies heal, get much needed nutrition when digestion is impaired, and provide the benefits of raw enzymes and life force.
There’s nothing better for you than Juicing good fresh organic fruits and veggies.
And there’s ways to do it without spending a fortune on the veggies and fruits.
Summer’s not a problem because we can grow and trade for most things…
But in Winter and Spring
we gotta get creative.
I try to make juice for my family almost every day..
It starts of course with a good juicer…
That is the biggest expense…
But last year it was our Christmas present to ourselves..
After a lot of research I chose the Omega.
It has a 10 year guarantee…
And easily does Greens,
which most other juicers have a problem with.
(it will also do incredible nut butters…
and ice cream made from frozen fruit).
Now that it’s Springtime
we are elated that our Nettle Patch is thriving.
We planted it a few years back,
now it’s taking over.
But that’s OK,
because there’s nothing better for you than Nettle Juice.
So I got gloves,scissors and a big pan,
and bravely ventured into the Patch.
Nothing better steamed either.
And FREE..
Wheat Grass is another very Healthy Option
Bracken helps me plant it in pots we grow in the Living Room by the Window.
(although now that the Nettles are in I can Phase that out for a while).
The Nettles and Wheat Grass go in First..
Gotta wear the gloves or YIKES
those are some potent Nettles.
But have no fear, drinking the juice,
and cooking the greens
is pain free.
Grind…Grind, Grind
The Omega slowly Grinds the juice out..
No heat involved like in the faster spinning ones.
We used to get our Juicers at the Thrift Store.
Had to buy a new one every year..
and a lot of juice was wasted.
This baby squeezes it all out.
Deep Green Health
(did you know chlorophyll is almost identical to human blood,
so it’s really good to fortify the blood.)
It also binds to so many toxins, heavy metals etc.
and removes them from the body.
And in the world today,
this is a good thing.
We buy Carrots in 15 pound Bags,
for 12 or 13 bucks…
Put in a Beet, some Apple,
Ginger when we have it,
a little lemon, celery…
And in the Summer,
Everything but the Kitchen sink.
You aren’t supposed to put in a lot of fruit with the veggies,
Apple is really the only one recommended..
But we like the hint of lemon..
Bracken likes to “Help” me,
(Mostly he likes to take a bite out of every apple piece)
The Chickens Get the remnants…And LOVE it.
I have this on Good Authority
Give it a try…
You will feel so much better for it.
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