…Joining Ginny’s YarnAlong, sharing what I’m knitting and reading…
I purchased Liz’s Spring Eggs pattern awhile back and I’ve been looking forward to knitting them. I planned on knitting a bunch of spring eggs, but I’m thinking I’ll just knit a few this year and add a few more each year. That’s much more do-able for me right now. I had some tiny balls of leftover worsted weight yarn from Brambleberry Yarns and they are making the loveliest little eggs! When Bracken woke up from his nap today, he helped me stuff the first egg with wool. We added some lavender buds in there too. I’m making another one for his friend. I love making a little project for Bracken to enjoy and using up leftover yarn bits to boot!
Picked up ‘Chick Days’ from the library. Read it for the first time last winter. Wanted to flip through it again. It’s fun to see what’s happening week by week with our chicks. I’ve been looking through the book with Bracken and reading aloud, since there’s lots of pictures in it. And he loves pictures of chickens. He keeps asking for more “chicken book!”
How about you?
Knitting? Reading?
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