…Joining Ginny’s YarnAlong, sharing what I’m knitting and reading…
We celebrated Jeff’s birthday on Sunday. I finished his hat just in time. On Friday night, the eve before opening market day, I searched for videos on youtube to show me how to do the half double crochet edge along the hat. I crocheted for the first time in my life and I was so relieved when I figured it out and got the border done on the hat! (Notes on Jeff’s Thorpe hat: here on ravelry, including links to the two videos that I found immensely helpful!) On Saturday night, after we returned home from market, I attached the yarn on the edges and did the braids down both sides. I had a little bit of yarn left from Bracken’s Owl Hat. I had just enough and it worked perfectly for the edge.
Sunday morning we sang Happy Birthday and gave Jeff his hat, along with a card Bracken made. For his birthday, Jeff wanted “a day at home with his family.” I knew he would say that when I asked him. He’s happy with a simple celebration. We hung up the birthday banner. I made him a delicious lunch and Bracken and I put a candle in it and sang him Happy Birthday again (he even wore his birthday crown, much to Bracken’s delight.) We keep our birthday gifts to each other pretty simple and do a bit more for Bracken’s birthdays. Some family gave him some really generous gifts and he was so excited (he’s been picking out varieties of fruit to get with his gift certificates!) That night, Jeff wanted to watch something really funny. He chose Zoolander. (With Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson.) Have you seen it? We both think it’s absolutely hilarious.
I’m reading ‘Storey’s Guide to Raising Ducks’ by Ben Holderread.
It’s really interesting and I have so much to learn.
How about you?
Knitting? Reading?
P.S. …And a little gift from Jeff to crack you up today: he surprised me with his “Zoolander” pose while I was taking pictures of his hat. We can’t look at this picture without laughing!!
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