If you would like to join us, see below.
…Filling a vase with beautiful pink columbine flowers and putting it in the kitchen window.
…How good and refreshing it felt outside first thing in the morning.
…Bracken on the phone: “Love you Grandma Julie.” Grandma: “Love you my sweet pumpkin boy.” Bracken: “Love you Grandma pumpkin boy.” (haha)
…Discovering a robin’s nest by our front door. Mama robin has been getting used to us and sits calmly in her nest, watching us whenever we walk out the door.
…Raw vegetable juice with nettles.
…Bracken cracking me up when he told me that wanted to trade his trike for a motorcycle. (After seeing our neighbor’s motorcycle.)
..Finishing a small section of fencing so the chickens could have a new space to roam.
…Jeff going to town, to the grocery store, early one morning while Bracken and I were still asleep so we didn’t have to worry about going later during our busy day. (And Bracken didn’t need to be in the car, which he gets very tired of.)
…Time outside, bodies moving, progress made (getting so much good food planted in the ground), laundry on the line, windows open.
…Hearing Bracken’s conversation on his calculator (aka phone) saying: “Hi Pooh Bear!” (Jeff and Bracken have been reading Winnie the Pooh and Bracken is all about Pooh Bear these days.)
…A little helper putting handfuls of herbs in the pan to make our salve.
…The chicken coop being close enough to the house that we can hear our hens laying eggs while we’re in our living room. I love that.
…Bracken pushing me on a swing on the playground.
…Jeff replacing the light bulbs in the kitchen.
…The random guy in the grocery store parking lot who gave me a receipt for a bottle deposit. It gave us over $5 off our groceries! I was so touched by that.
…The celebration of the May Faire. (More on that tomorrow.)
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.

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