If you would like to join us, see below.
…The beauty of nature.
…Being able to talk to my mom and sister on the phone at the same time. The marvels of technology.
…Eating fresh herbs in the garden.
…Trying pork belly baked for the first time. Delicious.
…The feeling of my hands in the earth.
…Those few peaceful moments when the house is picked up and clean (before it gets messy again.)
…A smoothie when I was craving one like crazy.
…Watching Bracken’s enjoyment doing the dishes.
…Laundry hung on the line, drying so quickly in the warm sunshine.
…Communication. Even when it’s hard.
…Having the courage to follow my intuition even when it scared me.
…Setting the timer in the morning to let us know when we needed to leave by (rather than checking the clock constantly.)
…Finding a pair of shoes at the thrift store that were comfortable and that fit me perfectly.
…My mom’s therapeutic humor. And that I get a good dose of it on a regular basis.
…Fresh lettuce in the house again. (One trip to the grocery store we forgot to pick some up and really missed our daily salads.)
…Watching the chickens pile up next to each other for a communal dust bath. It was pretty cute.
…Running into our friends at the library. Right place, right time, love that.
…Having all the ingredients (thanks to Bracken and I harvesting mullein flowers in the garden all last summer) to make a fresh batch of mullein garlic ear oil.
…All three of us being able to get the chickens running around the garden back into their yard with a lot of teamwork.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.

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