If you would like to join us, see below.
…Rediscovering the pictures I took of the beautiful butterflies we saw all over the wild chamomile flowers during our most recent trip to southern Oregon.
…Cauliflower from the farmer’s market. A vegetable we all love and don’t eat often enough.
…Learning more about mushrooms. (Jeff and I thought the video: The Future is Fungi by Paul Stamets, was fascinating and incredibly inspiring. I highly recommend it and if you feel inspired to, pass it on!)
…Bracken getting two surprises in the mail in one day. He was pretty happy about that. (Pooh Bear stickers and a postcard, lucky day!)
…Jeff making such a delicious breakfast with all leftovers.
…A heart to heart with my sister that was just what I needed that night.
…Outside time with Bracken. Walking in the woods, harvesting flowers, and hanging laundry while he played. Though our week was busy with lots of time spent indoors working, and Bracken kept begging for more “outside time”, we still managed to weave little bits into our days. It’s so essential, no matter how busy we are.
…Such productive time, getting so much done, in preparation for the show.
…Taking the time to make myself a nourishing tea and then slowing down enough to drink and savor it.
…A dream about looking up at the night sky, seeing three shooting stars, and then being awe struck by a gigantic constellation make up of tons of glittering stars in the shape of a giant snowflake. It was such a beautiful sight, it blew me away.
…Laughing so hard my stomach hurt. Even more appreciated after some stressful days.
…Finding a pair of little cotton gardening gloves for Bracken. (And they even had frogs on them!) Now he won’t be running to put socks on his hands every time we haul wood (though that was really cute.)
…The first blueberries from the farmer’s market and then coming home to find a few ripe ones on our bushes.
…The stranger who gave me the good parking spot at a time I really appreciated it.
…New connections and new experiences at the Black Sheep Gathering. (More on that tomorrow.)
…The internet working again after it was out all day yesterday and this morning. (Thus this late post.)
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
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