If you would like to join us, see below.
…Being able to keep the wild roses alive that are blooming in the chicken yard, by staking them up. In fact, with the chickens fertilizing and keeping the pests at bay, the roses seem even happier than they were before the chickens lived there.
…Jeff getting a hose set up down below so we no longer have to carry bucket after bucket to water all the new things we planted on the hillside. (Though a great workout, it was very time consuming.)
…Seeing a deer and her two spotted fauns on our drive.
…Being honest about how I felt when it would have been much easier to say nothing at all.
…Time for a few errands before we needed to be somewhere. I like when that happens.
…Scrambled eggs with avocado and lots and lots of fresh cilantro from the garden. We can’t get enough of it these days.
…Jeff fixing the leaking hose near the automatic chicken waterer.
…Finding part of a robin’s egg shell on a walk in the woods with Bracken. We were so excited with our find.
…Six runner beans planted in the ground with a trellis set up for them. More to plant, but it’s a start.
…The rain coming at the end of the week and watering the garden for us. Felt like a treat after all those hot days in a row that required lots of watering done by us each day.
…Finally marking a day on the calendar to see a friend for an overdue visit.
…The fact that our clippers stopped working after Jeff had gotten most of Bracken’s haircut done.
…The escapee chicken making her way back into the yard on her own. (We still don’t know how she is getting out, we’ve checked all around the fence. It’s a mystery.)
…Bracken’s adorable dance moves.
…Eating raspberries at the farmer’s market and walking around, visiting friends at market yesterday.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.

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