If you would like to join us, see below.
…Bracken’s wonderful idea to put some of our blue hydrangea flowers in a vase and bring them to a friend. She loved them. (Later he brought someone over to the table and proudly pointed to the flowers, saying they were from him.)
…Being able to fall back asleep for awhile after I woke up super early one morning.
…An overcast morning with perfect lighting for taking lots of pictures of buttons for our Etsy shop.
…Outside time followed by a good nap for Bracken (and good work time for me.)
…Jeff working his magic, transforming simple scrambled eggs with onions, zucchini, and cilantro.
…Having coconut oil back in the house again after we had run out. And noticeably increased energy each day when I have some of my favorite coconut oil! I know I’ve said it before, but it’s really true.
…Watering the garden while Bracken played in his pool.
…Learning. Even when you learn something the hard way, which is not always fun. (Lesson learned: when you forget to put the SD card in your camera, your pictures won’t be saved. Kind of a no-brainer, but still not fun to realize after a photo session.)
…The neighbor who came by to help life something heavy. We wouldn’t have been able to lift it without him.
…Organic avocados on sale. And then seeing they were perfect inside when we opened them up.
…Three prayers answered in one morning, not long after I prayed.
…Having fun at a friend’s birthday party.
…Our neighbor giving us lettuce starts right after Jeff said to me that we needed some lettuce starts.
…Having a husband who is so creative and willing to learn new things. And for all the help he gives me in learning new things (especially tech related) that overwhelm me.
…Seeing two cutie pies in the handknit hats I made them.
…Meeting our friend’s baby boy, almost one month old and just as precious as can be.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.

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