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…Deciding to buy a pot of black eyed susans because I love them and realized we really needed some in the garden. Then coming outside the next morning to see that Jeff had planted them for me. (And for the cute little garden spider that decided to join the pictures.)
…The fact that I just called a spider “cute.” There was a point in my life where that never would have been a possibility, but I assure you that particular spider was a very nice spider.
…A Sunday spent in pajamas.
…Jeff transforming our front yard with some weeding, mulch spreading, and removing a big clump of lemonbalm that had become rather unruly in that spot. What a difference that made!
…Finding coconut flour on sale. Now I can try out some new recipes.
…Watering the garden in the evening while Bracken picked blackberries by me and Jeff mowed the other part of the yard.
…A good roll going with the laundry, with all the hot weather for drying on the line.
…Watching the hummingbirds chase each other around the garden.
…Being able to skype with my mom and grandma while they were in Europe (on their dream trip.) Even though the sound wasn’t working on one end, it made for a memorable and humorous conversation, rather like a game of charades. (Turns out I’m not the best at that game, which made it even funnier.)
…Laughing that Jeff and I go in Bracken’s little swimming pool even though we can hardly fit in there.
…Finding a doll I made for Bracken before bedtime one night. He doesn’t want to sleep without her these days, so I was glad she showed up after only a fairly short searching session.
…Discovering that avocado is delicious in smoothies (after a reader e-mailed and told me about that.) It made the consistency so creamy and I’m definitely a fan.
…My mom having her mother’s intuition even when she was a continent away and being there for me with words of love and support when I especially needed them that day.
…Making a new recipe and how much Bracken loves making recipes with me in the kitchen.
…Trades. I don’t know what we’d do without them.
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