If you would like to join us, see below.
…The funny looking bug (or “haha bug” in Bracken’s words, it made me think of a jester) making another visit. Seeing one, we really wanted Jeff to see it. We were so glad when not one, but two, came back another evening for Jeff to see and for me to photograph. (It’s called a Banded Alder Borer Beetle.)
…The healing, regenerating properties of clay.
…Eating our first yellow summer squash from the garden. They seem to grow more slowly than our zucchinis do and Bracken checked them every day, always grabbing my hand and wanting me to see the progress.
…Finding little adorable pullet eggs every day when we went to gather eggs in the coop. And the wee yolks inside are pretty cute too.
…Seeing a bunch of quail in our driveway and Jeff and Bracken being able to sneak quietly outside to see them up close before they were heard and the quail flew off. I watched from the kitchen window while I gave my dad a play by play of what was happening on the phone.
…My dad officially working for himself and starting up his own business again. He and my stepmom have been working really hard to make it happen. It was wonderful to hear his voice on that first official day, really happy for him.
…Food when you’re super hungry. It tastes especially good.
…Talking to a hummingbird in the garden. My bird sounds don’t compare to my dad’s bird whistles or Jeff’s bird calls, but the hummingbird still responded to me and it made me happy.
…Bracken drawing his very first letter: T. He drew a big one and a little one, then pointed and told me “BIIIGG T…. little baby gnomey t.“
…Sewing on a sewing machine for the first time in many, many years. What a good feeling.
…Getting the car vacuumed and cleaned out while Jeff was at physical therapy. And having an enthusiastic helper who put the quarters in and did some vacuuming.
…Finding some shirts I loved (and needed) from the thrift store for much less than a single new shirt would have cost.
…Jeff working in the shop, Bracken watercolor painting next to him, and me cleaning the kitchen, all happily occupied with our tasks for a time.
…Juicing cucumbers from the garden with a beet, carrots, apple, lemon, and more. Delicious.
…Jeff turning an inexpensive little wooden table we found at a garage sale into a new shelf space for Bracken’s books (and usable table on top.) Every little bit really helps with our organization around here.
…Fresh reading material from the library. Bracken goes to pick out books for me to read to me and constantly says “new book…” as he searchs for something new. We enjoy the change of the library books we bring home.
…Sewing a tiny pillow for the dollhouse for Bracken one morning with my sewing machine.
…Being able to successfully retrieve my tiny knitting needle after it disappeared down into the couch.
…Hearing Jeff laugh in his sleep, followed by a deep contented sigh. I loved hearing that.
…A thoughtful friend bringing me some yarn that they weren’t going to use, at market yesterday.
…Feeling like we were at the right place at the right time, going with the flow, and having some new opportunities open up.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.

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