I’m knitting an owl again. My mom loved the owl hat that I made for Bracken and said she would love an owl purse. With her birthday coming up, I asked her to pick out the color yarn she wanted and when it arrived I got busy knitting her purse. (It’s okay, I can write about it here because it’s no secret. She knows exactly what I’m making her for her birthday.) I’m modifying the owl hat pattern to make it a purse instead. I wanted to knit the owl from the top down, instead of from the bottom up like in the pattern. I started knitting the owl chart upside down, but quickly saw that it wasn’t turning out right. I ripped it out and then started knitting the owl chart upside down and backwards. (Goodness, doesn’t that sound confusing.) Now it’s looking like it’s supposed to. That set me a little behind and I have lots of progress to make to finish it and get it mailed out in time.
I’m reading ‘Cooking with Coconut Oil: Gluten-Free, Grain-Free Recipes for Good Living’ by Elizabeth Nyland. You already know how much I love coconut oil and I like getting new inspirations for adding more of it into our diet. Not only does this cookbook have coconut oil in every single recipe, all the recipes are paleo style. There are so many good ideas in it and beautiful photography, so I’m really enjoying it. I’ll probably be checking this one out from the library often. (And I just saw she has a cookbook filled with avocado recipes that looks fun too.) I always need fresh ideas in the kitchen.
How about you?
Knitting? Reading?
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