…Joining Ginny’s YarnAlong, sharing what I’m knitting and reading…
I thought for sure I would have my socks finished for today’s yarn along. Then I saw I had dropped two stitches right before changing to blue yarn for the toe. I hadn’t noticed until knitting for a bit. I brought it to Inge hoping there was some sort of knitting miracle cure I didn’t know about, but I had been decreasing so picking up those stitches would have proved to be difficult. So I ripped it out past those dropped stitches. Picking up those wee stitches takes some concentration. I got started again. I saw the toe wasn’t looking like my other one and then realized that I made another blooper: I was decreasing one row, knitting one row, instead of decreasing one and knitting two. Whoops! So I ripped it back again. Now I’m very close to finishing the toe.
When I asked for a funny book at the library last week (thanks for your suggestions, by the way) they recommended one book to me: Bridget Jone’s Diary by Helen Fielding. At first I sort of dismissed the idea since I’d already seen the movie many years ago. But then I thought I really needed something different since I always seem to go to the very same shelves in the library and it brought me to new section entirely. Last week on the mornings I woke up early, I had productive work time and creative time. This week when I’ve woken up early, I’ve been reading by headlamp. This book is actually really hilarious. The author is very funny. I like diaries because I enjoy seeing behind the surface of people- what their thoughts and feelings are, where they are coming from. I love being able to relate to people, see what we have in common, and understand them, whether we have many similarities or our lives are very different. Last night I talked to my grandma on the phone and told her what I was reading. I told her it was funny, but inappropriate. She joked that my great grandmother would not have approved then, because after she read books she would tape little notes in them saying things like: “too much cussing” or “too much drinking.” This book has both of those things, for starters, but it’s serving it’s purpose quite well: which is getting me to laugh.
How about you?
Knitting? Reading?
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