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…Bracken asking me to hand him a flower or two so he can sip the nasturtium nectar. He loves that.
…September. The start of a new month. My favorite month. (It’s my birthday month and I’ve always loved September.)
…Getting all our market things dried out from our rainy market day. Then getting it all packed up again for another market day.
…The people who gave me the tip to use rubbing alcohol to get the pen stains out of Bracken’s pants (where he drew all over himself when I wasn’t looking.) It really worked and I was so happy because those pants were special ones, handmade by a friend, that we traded for.
…A chicken baking in the oven, followed by many delicious meals. Chicken on lettuce from the garden. Chicken broth soup with zucchini, carrots, celery seed, turmeric, and parsley. Yum.
…A few evenings cool enough to enjoy some soup. We hadn’t had soup in awhile.
…Being able to trade for things that are hard for us to afford, like butternut squash.
…The manager at the grocery store who let me use their phone when I asked if they knew where a pay phone was. (Since our cell phone ran out of minutes.)
…Some nights where Bracken picked up his toys in the living room when I asked him, while I worked in the kitchen, so we could get outside sooner for a bit of “outside time.” He did a better job picking things up than he ever had before.
…Following my intuition instead of ignoring it. The way I think of following it sometimes is like in the Cat Steven’s song: ‘It’s hard, but it’s harder to ignore it.’
…Watching Bracken’s coloring change and noticing him making an effort to color in the lines a bit, for the first time. I always enjoy watches his changes.
…Protecting Bracken at market yesterday when my intuition told me to do so even though the whole situation was so uncomfortable I could hardly bear it. It was a learning experience.
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