We had a rare weekend at home (we’re usually at market) and it was much appreciated. Things started off with a surprise haircut. Normally all scissors are kept out of reach and Bracken will ask me to get them down if he wants to cut some paper. But I accidentally left a little pair out after a project. (Sometimes you wonder how things happen until they happen to you. That occurs a lot when you’re a parent, doesn’t it?) Next thing we knew he had given himself a bit of a bang trim. It may not look too short in the picture, but he got some spots super short. He’s been really into playing barber shop lately. He likes to brush our hair, blow on it (to dry it like a blow dryer), and pretend to curl it. One night he was brushing Jeff’s hair and Jeff got so relaxed he fell asleep, which I thought was pretty comical. So, after seeing me get my haircut recently and then hearing me say over the last few weeks that his hair was getting long and I needed to give him a haircut, Bracken was ready to get things started. Yesterday I gave him a haircut. It’s the shortest one he has ever had, to even things out a bit, and I think it looks pretty cute. The spots he cut himself aren’t too noticeable now, but either way it makes for a funny story.
In other weekend news it was stormy and windy on Saturday. We heard a loud sound and wondered what in the world it was. Our fig tree next to our front door fell over! That fig tree has been there as long as I’ve lived here (since 2005.) It was so big it was nearly as tall as our house. It was completely blocking the front entrance to our house. That evening we cleared the debris so we could at least get through our front door again. I took pictures of Jeff and Bracken in front of it to show you, but it was so late in the day by that point and they turned out blurry. The front of our house looks strange and bare without that fig tree now. We’re talking about what to plant there. Something edible. That fig tree wasn’t an ideal variety for our climate anyway. We got a few ripe ones each year if we were lucky. This year we got the most ripe ones we ever had before. They never ripened enough that I liked the taste of them though. Jeff and Bracken searched through the debris to see if they could find any ripe ones in there and they did get some good ones, which they were pretty happy about.
So those were the two highlights from our weekend.
How about yours? Did you have an eventful weekend?
Sarah Jane says
This brings back memories when my now 21 year old son was small he took to both his & sisters hair. I was out & got a phone call from my husband telling me what Luke had done when I got home I was in tears as he had cut both his hair & my daughters down to their scalp. It was so bad I had to get hairdresser to come out to the house & shave what hair they had left & the had to wear hats until it grew back. You think it can never happen to you or think a parent must not be caring for their children but all it takes is being distracted & leaving something in reach. I felt like a bad mum at the time so thank you for sharing this
jos says
Hi friends , Bracken looks wonderful like always , we all have had this kind of “accidents ” with our sons . Pedritxes from Barcelona
Dana says
My oldest decided to cut her own hair one day – the day BEFORE her 3rd grade pictures! (before I began homeshcooling). She had to wear a HUGE bow in what was left of her hair to hide that she had practically scalped her bangs! *lol!*
P says
Ah – the first DIY haircut 😉 My dh was a bit scolding when our ds did that (to himself AND the dog) – two weeks before ds was set to be the ring-bearer in a cousin’s wedding to boot – as in, dh saying “how did you *let* that happen!”. I had to remind him that E V E R Y kid does this, at least once. E V E R Y kid. Yup. His mama confirmed it. He did too 😉
This week, it wasn’t the kids pulling the DIY shenanigans, it was our 7mo old, 60lb bundle of sweet canine deciding that no, we really didn’t need our landline, so howsa bout I rip out the lines for you – twice in the same week.
It’s all funny – eventually…. 😉