I went on an adventure of sorts last night. Recently I saw there was going to be a class at my favorite yarn shop (Stash in Corvallis) called Getting Into Designing, taught by the knitwear designer Gudrun Johnston. My spirit immediately said “yes, yes, I must go!” I have quite a few knitting pattern design ideas floating around in my head and reading about the class excited me so much. I went and looked up Gudrun’s patterns on Ravelry to see her designs and wow, she has so many gorgeous patterns available!
I knew it was going to be late on a weeknight and quite a drive from our house, but I wanted to make it happen anyway. A few days prior I happened to mention the class to one of our neighbors and she said she’d love to come so we ended up carpooling. Driving up to see my favorite yarn shop all lit up at night was a beautiful sight. I enjoyed the class a lot and learned so much, taking notes in my notebook to help me remember it all. I really appreciated hearing Gudrun’s experiences and her answering our questions. There was a cozy feeling being surrounded by women in their handknit sweaters, yarn and needles busy in their hands. I felt surrounded by kindred spirits. What a great night, I’m so glad I went.
Jeff and Bracken stayed home and had a fun night just the two of them. It was a milestone of sorts because Bracken and I were apart for the longest period of time that we’ve been since his birth. (I kind of have to laugh because it wasn’t even that long, but it was for us.) We’re pretty much attached at the hip, the two of us. I don’t even usually think about it, we’re just always together. And to be honest, I love it that way, but a rare evening mama adventure was really wonderful. When I came home Jeff was exhausted since he had woken up to start working so early that morning and Bracken was the opposite- hyper and couldn’t wait to tell me everything they had done together. He told me all about it right up until we fell asleep. A fun night all around.
P.S. Some of you asked to see pictures of my new haircut so I’m finally posting one where you can see it, in the picture with Gudrun and I above.
Taryn thats awesome…. good for you guys….
Your hair looks so beautiful & healthy!!! I like it this length 🙂 Good for you taking an evening out to yourself!!! And probably really good for Jeff & Bracken 🙂 So glad you had a lovely time. Be seeing you in just over a week. Can’t wait!!! xoxo
Your hair looks fantastic! Love the yarn shop display window! Yay for meeting Gudrun Johnston and taking a fabulous class!
That sounds like the perfect evening out.
as much as I adore all 4 of my children – ‘Mama Time’ was a MUST for my sanity! lol! What a wonderful way to treat yourself Taryn!
and your haircut is super cute!
Hooray for mama adventures! And I love the haircut!