…Joining Ginny’s YarnAlong, sharing what I’m knitting and reading…
I’m knitting a little scarf for the knitted bear I’ve been working on for Bracken. I’m making it in his favorite color, blueberry blue! That beautiful blue yarn is leftover from another project, from our friends at Timberwolf Farm, and dyed with indigo.
I’ve had this book on my to read list for years and finally asked the library if they could get it. They are borrowing ‘Reinvention: Sewing with Rescued Materials’ by Maya Donenfeld from another library and I have a limited time to enjoy it so I’m looking through to find favorite projects so I can save the patterns to make later. It’s really inspiring! And clearly from three of my recent yarnalongs, you can see I’m on a sewing-book kick!
How about you? Knitting? Reading?
Love love LOVE that book… do you follow her blog Maya*Made? Filled with great ideas as well.
Hi Taryn,
I love reading your posts every week. You really inspire me. I can’t wait to check out that book. It looks so cool! I hope that y’all have a great week!!!
Hi Taryn…thanks again for leaving me a message on Rav. and for the lovely compliments.
Oh that book looks great! Can’t wait to see what you make from it. I can’t seem to get off the knitting books. Must be all that creative winter energy flowing. I too just recently found myself knitting tiny things for my daughters beloved doll. Never in a million years would I have ever thought I would be sitting at night making a teeny little blue sweater (that exactly matches her own blue birthday one..no doubt) …pretty normal occurence once you enter mamahood.
Heading over to your shop to check out some of those buttons of yours!
That sounds like a very useful and interesting book.
Beautiful yarn color too!