G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
(If you would like to join us, see below. Our gratefulness feeds one another.)
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
…Bracken grabbing my hand and insisting I come look at the flowers (hyacinth) blooming outside the post office.
…For headlamps that make it so I can quietly read early in the morning without waking a sleeping boy.
…Jeff’s latest creative kitchen creation: carob banana pancakes with tapioca flour. Yum.
…The fact that I can take some yarn and some needles and make a handmade gift. (Knitting is so awesome.)
…Putting a trellis up for the raspberries and tying the canes up.
…Being barefoot in the grass and laying on the earth. Even for just a few minutes, it’s so rejuvenating.
…The things that relax me and make me breathe deeper.
…Walking through the woods near our house, marveling at the little bird that came and sang to us, and finding little treasures for our fairy garden.
…Tying buttons on cards while enjoying our friends’ company. I love when my work is portable and easy to do while chatting with friends (and that they are so understanding about the realities of how much we need to work.)
…Two smiling boys going down the slide, chasing each other back up, and repeating over and over.
…Getting to enjoy two picnics with friends in one week. One in our yard and one in the forest. Our first picnics of the year and inspiring me to do so more often.
…Getting some firewood brought in and some work in the garden done, then coming inside to hear the first raindrops start falling on the roof. Good timing.
…Supplementing our store bought lettuce with some bits of fresh garden greens: watercress, mustard greens, arugula, and chives. Made for such a flavorful salad.
…Listening to spanish guitar music while having a productive morning in the kitchen.
…Watching Bracken rub noses with his Aunt on skype, the next best thing to being in person. (Eskimo kisses we called them as kids.)
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
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barnraised (Jen) says
We call those purple flowers “unicorn thistle”!
heathermama says
love your list. i should get a headlamp! and YES!! to music while working in the kitchen!!