G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
(If you would like to join us, see below. Our gratefulness feeds one another.)
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
…Jeff and Bracken surprising me with a vase of the very first lilacs. And being able to smell them while I washed the dishes.
…Seeing Bracken’s delight when he caught a butterfly in the garden (after much chasing and determination.) When it flew away, his only disappointment was that he didn’t get to show it to his dad first.
…Jeff doing baking day with Bracken when I was too busy to do it that day.
…Finding a new location for our crock pot in the kitchen that made the whole flow so much better.
…Finally getting a favorite picture hung up on our bedroom wall. Now we can look at that beautiful painting with angels every night as we fall asleep. (Or as Jeff jokes, he can imagine it, since he can’t see that far very well without his glasses and doesn’t wear them to bed.)
…The fact that whenever we weed in the garden, the chickens happily get treats. It wouldn’t be nearly as satisfying to pull weeds if we couldn’t feed it to them.
…Watching Bracken with his friends. Splashing in puddles. Picking flowers. Just being kids and living in the moment.
…The delicious homemade fruit popsicles our friends shared with us. (I need to make those more often!)
…Keeping the list simple when we went to town and making our money stretch. Spending it wisely is always a good feeling.
…The sound of frogs singing in the rain. (And Jeff making his “frog” sounds and getting them to sing more, just like he does with the birds.)
…The first nettles. Nettles in soup. Steamed nettles. Juiced nettles. Green, green, goodness.
…Bracken so carefully cutting celery with a butter knife to put in our soup.
…Getting our booth set up in the front yard and our display figured out. (Market starts soon!) And that Jeff wisely felt we should pack it all back up that evening, even though the weather forecast said sunshine for the next day, because it ended up that we woke to rain.
…The fact that the aloe plant I’ve neglected for so many years is still alive and well. (Seems happier when I ignore it, actually, since I probably tend to over water.)
…Baked garlic. So simple, so good. (Yet we always forget that amazing delicacy.)
…Getting all the hay bits vacuumed out of our car so we could start packing it up for market.
…The sound of my mom and grandma’s laughter on the phone, having so much fun together. Just hearing their voices made my heart happy.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
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A wonderful list of gratitudes.
I am so pleased to see photos of lilacs. My mom always had a cut glass vase overflowing with lilacs on our dining room table every spring. Now I carry on the tradition with a mason jar of them. I love love love their scent.
I hope your week continues to be joyful 🙂
Lilacs, lily of the valley and roses are my absolute favorites!! They smell heavenly. I totally go for fragrance, don’t care what color! Except I’m not fond of white!
I love when I can be frugal and stick to my list. It always feels good to spend well.
i miss lilacs so much. we had them by the kitchen window at our maine house, so heavenly.
i love reading your lists every week, so much wonderfulness. <3