Green, white, pink, and yellow. Those are the colors outside our door these past few weeks. Since taking these pictures, the daffodils are done blooming. Towards the end Bracken picked and enjoyed every single one of them. (Floating them in the pond, placing them in bushes and generally decorating the yard.) Jeff and Bracken planted the first seeds together. Bracken has been harvesting all the kale tops (look somewhat like little broccoli florets, don’t they?) and we’ve been grateful we let so much kale overwinter in our garden because we’ve been harvesting it regularly. We discovered a bunch of parsley coming up in a pot we forgot about, a happy surprise. We’ve been checking the progress on the lilac buds each day. We only saw one single trillium flower in the woods this year, while usually there are many. (I’ve been wondering: did we miss seeing them? Did they not bloom? Locals: did any of you see trilliums in bloom this year?) We spotted leaves on the currant bushes (look more like little sticks than bushes) that we planted last year. Leaves! We were so excited. I have yet to taste a currant and am very much looking forward to.
I took some pictures of a little green frog in our pond (can you see it?) prior to the pond getting cleaned out by the boys. They saw a clump of eggs, got them out with a net, and put them in a bucket to watch them hatch. To our surprise, a salamander came along and we let it go back to the pond. We thought the eggs were frog eggs, but after a search online, might be salamander eggs (maybe why that one was coming along for the ride? Protecting the babies?), and either way will still be fun to watch.
We are constantly finding things on the heads of the garden statues around here. Bracken enjoys stacking rocks on St.Francis’ head regularly and then we spotted a sculpture on Buddha’s head with a single primrose placed on it. Jeff and I get a kick out of this activity that Bracken enjoys so much, it makes us smile every time we see it. Quite entertaining!
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