…Joining Ginny’s YarnAlong, sharing what I’m knitting and reading…
I’ve been using up all the bits and pieces of leftover green yarn to make knitted garlands for our upcoming festivities. More on that soon.
I got the book ‘The Wahls Protocol’ from the library. I’m at the beginning and I’m really enjoying learning about our cells and mitochondria and what they need to function optimally. For those of you unfamiliar with Dr. Wahl’s story, the short version: she tried every pharmaceutical and conventional treatment available for MS and saw her condition continue to decline. After implementing diet and lifestyle changes, she had amazing results and was able to get her life back. She shares what she did in her book and many people have also had incredible results using her protocol. I highly recommend watching her inspiring talk here.
How about you? Knitting? Reading?
Hi Taryn, Please tell me how I can order the felted mice shown as being part of your faire.
Thank you, Beth W
Hello Beth, I’d be happy to, but I’m not sure which felted mice you are talking about? Let me know and I can try to help you find a source.
Thank you Taryn. I’ve just watched the video by Dr. Wahl’s. I’m moved to action!
Hope all is well in your family.
Love Sita
Awesome Sita! Anything we can do to eat better is always a good thing I think. 🙂
great idea with the green left over yarn! the book sounds very interesting.