G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
(If you would like to join us, see below. Our gratefulness feeds one another.)
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
…The different colors of the columbines blooming in the garden and how excited Bracken was when he first showed them to me.
…How good sleep feels after a really long day.
…Sardine salad and vegetables made for me by my loves. (And he cut the zucchini with a butter knife “all by myself, mom!”)
…Finding the needles I needed to start a new knitting project. Thanks to those knitting needles my grandma gifted me years ago!
…Kitchen time. Yams sliced and baked. Eggs washed, hardboiled eggs made. Broth strained, soup made. Popsicles made. Hazelnuts soaked and then dried. Coconut oil treats made. Our kitchen is a busy place and I like it that way.
…How helpful it is when Bracken does different tasks around here.
…That I was able to get most of Bracken’s haircut completed before the clippers died. The rest I finished up with the scissors and it turned out just fine, phew. (Note to self: make sure clippers are fully charged before beginning haircut.)
…Our beloved Rainbow Bridge starting again and seeing friends we hadn’t seen in awhile. That first day back felt like a reunion party of sorts.
…Discovering a new fabric store and finding wool felt there for a project I was working on, which saved me a trip across town.
…Cleaning up Bracken’s toy area. It had gotten quite crazy and I think we all breathed a sigh of relief when I got it back in order.
…Vacuuming out our car. Brings me such a sense of peace, even when it doesn’t need it that bad.
…The new cart at the grocery store with wheels for driving that was quite a hit with little mister.
…All the new things Jeff is constantly coming up with and making in his shop.
…More vegetables planted and some garden time.
…Writing in the first page of a brand new journal. I always love that feeling. I use simple composition notebooks for my gratitude journal and they last so long that by the time I’m ready for a new one it feels like a real treat.
…A fun, full day at the May Faire yesterday.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
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wonderful list. <3 i can't wait to hear about the Mayfair 🙂
Great list of gratitudes. It is always nice when the kids toys are freshly cleaned up.