…Joining Ginny’s YarnAlong, sharing what I’m knitting and reading…
I had exactly enough yarn to finish my cabled headband! See that wee bit of leftover yarn in the picture? It made me laugh for some reason, it could have been a ball of yarn for a dollhouse. While Jeff drove yesterday, I finished up my project in the passenger seat and then showed Jeff and Bracken the tiny bit of yarn that was left. They got a kick out of it too. The headband did end up being the perfect project to use up the amount of yarn I had. Now I’m talking with Jeff about the buttons he is making for me, to finish it. Adding the buttons is a part I especially love.
I had seen a few recommendations for the book ‘Wildly Affordable Organic: Eat Fabulous Food, Get Healthy, and Save the Planet– All on $5 a Day or Less’ by Linda Watson. I was unsure if it would be useful to us, but wanted to check it out and requested it from the library. They brought it in for me from another library. The verdict? If you eat a paleo-style diet like our family does, with no grains, or even if you eat gluten-free, this book is not very helpful for that way of eating. With the picture on the cover, I thought it would have a lot to do with produce, but the bulk of it was recipes for baked goods with wheat. If you eat a vegetarian diet like the author, I could see how this book could be helpful.
How about you? Knitting? Reading?
Beautiful headband, looking forward to seeing the addition of buttons. Hurrah for having just the right amount of yarn!
Wow! You were lucky! Just made it. Could it be that I purchased buttons from Jeff years and years ago…twenty five years ago or more?
Yes, I was lucky. 🙂 And Jeff wasn’t making buttons back then, so it wouldn’t have been him.
I appreciate your feedback on the book. I too have seen it around on the blogs and was considering picking it. I recently went gluten-free to accommodate a health issue. Now I know it won’t really be helpful. Thanks so much.
Loving the headband. I should consider one for the fall. 🙂
What a lovely little yarn remainder. 🙂 That book looks like the perfect thing for me! I should give it a look. That’s a really beautiful headband, too. I made a couple similar over last winter as gifts.
Isn’t it such a great feeling when you have just enough yarn but oh so frustrating when it won’t quite stretch there! I am looking forward to seeing your handmade buttons 🙂