…Joining Ginny’s YarnAlong, sharing what I’m knitting and reading…
I had some leftover yarn from my Hermione Hat. The yarn from Timberwolf Farm was a blend of wool and alpaca. It was so soft and lovely. I literally couldn’t bring myself to put the rest of the skein away in my stash. I immediately thought of a project that would be perfect to use the rest of the skein for. I cast on the Multiple Plait Cable Headband. This is my second time knitting this pattern, the first time was for a friend. It was the project that first taught me how to cable and I highly recommend it for learning how to cable! (It’s so much simpler than I thought it would be! Consider this a little pep talk if you’ve been wanting to learn.)
I had two books due back to the library, both of which I didn’t think I would be allowed to renew (one a 14 day book and another being borrowed from another library.) I was so happy when I was able to renew them both! I’m still reading ‘The Wahls Protocol’ that I wrote about last week. A big part of the protocol is eating 9 cups of vegetables a day! Do you think you could eat that many? She recommends 3 cups of greens, 3 cups of sulfur-rich vegetables (cruciferous family, onion family, mushroom family), and 3 cups of colorful vegetables (or fruit.) Our family eats a lot of vegetables, we typically eat at least two vegetables with each meal and sometimes three, but we don’t eat nine cups a day. Reading this book is inspiring me to increase the amount of vegetables we eat.
How about you? Knitting? Reading?
I love cables, can’t quite remember what I learned on!! Headband looks cute.
I just learned to cable in February (on Nim Teasdale’s Dragon’s Tale Scarf – also a great one to learn on!) and I’m doing it again on a basic men’s watch cap from a WWII pattern. Once I did the first few cables I was blown away by how simple it turned out to be. My Nana used to knit cable sweaters for us grandkids when we were young and it looked SO difficult and intricate. Now that I know the number of hours she invested in those sweaters, even without cables, I’m even more appreciative than I was back then. I’m excited that I can now continue in her footsteps – or stitches, as it were – with some cable work too. 😀
Reading – I just finished the last Harry Potter book a few days ago, so I hit the library last night for something lighter to read. Came home with Lace One-Skein Wonders, Charmed Knits, and a decorating book called Family Living: Creating the Perfect Family Home. I doubt they’ll really fit my idea of “perfect” but it will all be some nice eye candy.
I’ll have to look for the Wahl Protocol book next time I go – it sounds so interesting but I couldn’t remember the name when I was at the library. Of course! lol
Wasn’t that a nice surprise when you realized how simple cabling is? I was so delighted when I discovered that. As a knitter now, I also have so much more appreciation for the handknits my grandma made us growing up.
I was so sad when I finished Harry Potter! I really loved those books and was sad for them to be over. If your library doesn’t have the Wahls Protocol, they might get it for you. Our library has been great about that.
Cables…yeah! Love them!