G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
(If you would like to join us, see below. Our gratefulness feeds one another.)
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
…Bracken’s excitement each time we have a new flower blooming in the garden, and always taking our hands and showing us. Last week it was the first poppy.
…A morning spent listening to music while I made breakfast and Bracken mashed up strawberries with a fork for his homemade jam. (A favorite activity lately, he continually requests different ingredients for his jam recipes.) And so many songs I loved playing in a row!
…Easy leftovers. They’re so great.
…Jeff letting me know when I make bloopers on the blog so I can fix them. Last week it was: that we saved “so many money” from going to the thrift stores. That one makes me laugh. (Can you just picture that in a commercial? “Buy secondhand and save so many money!”)
…Wild Alaskan salmon on sale at the grocery store. We got an incredible deal.
…Aha moments, when things suddenly click and make sense, like puzzle pieces coming together.
…Making a smoothie to surprise my loves.
…Jeff having a feeling to pull over to the side of the road to check out a sale and then finding an awesome display piece for our booth for $7!
…The man at the store who gave Jeff the change he needed for our booth, saving him an extra trip to the bank.
…Our kind booth neighbor who let us borrow her dolly (we didn’t have enough room in our car to bring ours) since she was done with it, to transport our things into the building for the show. It helped immensely and we greatly appreciated that.
…How good it feels to not be stuck in a knitting pattern, but to be moving along and making progress.
…Hot weather drying lots of laundry on the line.
…A fun time at the Black Sheep Gathering and another day (today) to enjoy it longer!
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
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So lovely. The jam sounds interesting 🙂
sounds like a very very happy, productive week—full of kindnesses –the best kind! Hope this one is equally happy! 🙂
Is that flower enormous? Or is it your camera???
My camera. I love taking close ups. 🙂
i am loving hanging the clothes on the line. it is so blazing hot here i can get 4 loads washed and dried on the line in a day! LOL
4 loads a day… super satisfying!