Lane County Farmer’s Market : Saturday, August 1st.
This year the Lane County Farmer’s Market is celebrating 100 years of sustainable, local produce on the Park Blocks. It makes me smile to think farmers have been gathering in that spot for so long, sharing good food with their community. (And new this year- Veggie Valets, when you need an extra set of hands to carry all that good produce. What a great idea!) The farmer’s market has been an important part of our Saturdays for many years now and Bracken has grown up knowing the faces and booths there. We’re continually grateful to have such an amazing farmer’s market. Look at all that colorful produce right now! Strolling around is a beautiful sight to behold and I love sharing a visual sampling with you of some of what we see there.
Do you have a farmer’s market near you? Do you visit regularly? Do you have favorite farms you purchase from? What are you loving from your farmer’s market lately?
{Farmer’s market love from before: end of June, early June, mid-April & last August.}
Eugene’s market is pretty wonderful. I am visiting the coast in your area this week, this morning we are going to the market in Coos Bay. It is a really good one too. Small, only two blocks, but so great. The couple of food trucks at the end are very tasty too. Then off to our favorite beach south of Charleston, do you guys ever wonder down that way?
We have friends that sell at that market in Coos Bay. We don’t get south down the coast very often, but it’s so beautiful. Enjoy your time!
Thanks so much for all the pretty pictures! I have been laid up for a week and a half with a split knee and broken wrist, and your blog has entertained me every day. Thanks!
I’m so glad it could bring you some entertainment! 🙂 Sorry to hear about your knee and wrist. Rest well!
such great photos! it all looks so good. <3
Beautiful market pictures! I love how colorful and fresh everything looks!
Every picture is pure beauty! I am lucky to have 2 great farmers markets near to where we live. Most everything we eat comes from there. Right now we are enjoying raspberries ! Blueberries will be next. Everything from kale to green beans to strawberries are still plentiful.
I see a type of apple in your photo called Ginger Gold. Never heard of it here but it made my mouth water reading the description!!
Just tried the ginger gold apples for the first time and they were really good!!
I always love seeing what is in season in your area, Taryn! Everything looks so bright and fresh! Though I must admit I did a double take at the price of the grapes! $9/lb is steep!
Yeah, I know, pretty pricey! We didn’t buy any of those, but were happy to see the first grapes. 🙂
Looks great! How in the world do you have ripe strawberries and ripe tomatoes and corn and watermelon simultaneously? I’m in Virginia; strawberries here are done by the first of Juneish, and tomatoes and corn start late June. Watermelon should be any day now. I’d love to know how it’s all happening at once where you are!
I’m always surprised by how many things they offer all at once here as well. Greenhouses make it so we find many things early at the farmer’s market. Many farms grow everbearing strawberries now which ripen from spring until frost. We grow the everbearing variety in our garden as well.
I had never heard of an everbearing strawberry – must research if it will grow in my area. Thanks!
What an amazing farmers market. We have a street market every week and a farmers market once a month but they are very small affairs compared to this!! x