I would have shown you a picture of a suitcase, but being that I didn’t get things packed until the very last minute, I didn’t have one to show. Instead, I added some random garden pictures that didn’t have anything to do with what I was going to write about. Since I’m sharing them, though, I’ll write about them.
Jeff grew a few beets in the garden and baked them on Sunday. They were delicious. We all love beets, but when they come from our own garden we appreciate them all the more. I could wander all throughout the woods looking for huckleberries and there wouldn’t be any bush as loaded with berries as the one right by our house. What a blessing that bush is to have so nearby. Bracken doesn’t like having so many berries high and out of reach, though! We’re still picking raspberries and get a golden raspberry here and there too. Our booth neighbors at market gave us a golden raspberry plant this year and it’s already been giving us berries. Bracken started collecting the tiny, yellow mullein flowers like we have in years past, asking me if I remembered we used to do that to make ear oil. I haven’t gotten around to collecting any this year, so I’m glad he has. And lastly, a zinnia about to open. Growing zinnias for the first time this year, our whole family is in love with them and we want them to always be a part of our garden now.
And now what I came here to write about. Bracken and I are flying out later today to go to Colorado to visit family. Jeff is having the rare opportunity to have some uninterrupted work time, and since we have a show coming up later this month, he’s got plans to be in his workshop the whole time we’re gone. I filled up the fridge with frittatas so if he doesn’t stop and take the time to cook a meal (I know how he gets in the zone), then he’ll still have something to eat. Plans for this trip have been in the works for a long time and I can’t begin to say just how much I’m looking forward to this. Time with my sister, mom, and grandma is just what I need right now! This space may be quiet for just a bit. Who knows what the internet connection will be like throughout our travels and I’m going to be completely savoring this special time. I’ll be back here when I’m able to.
Colorado, here we come!
I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip! And come back rested and happy.
happy travels!!
What a great trip to look forward to taking. There is nothing like the feeling of having your family and loved ones close and all in one spot.
Enjoy every moment !
Travel safe.
These beets look amazing, make me hungry for some. Enjoy your trip to our beautiful state 🙂
What part of CO are you guys heading to?
Sorry for my delay in replying to you, Jennifer! I just got this message when I got back. We went to Boulder and to Keystone. 🙂
I need to plant beets now that it’s cooler around these parts. I love the earthy flavour of beets. Nothing quite like it.