…Joining Ginny’s YarnAlong, sharing what I’m knitting and reading…
What exactly is that wooly object you see above? Some sort of baby kicking bag in the works? Nope. That, my friends, is a sweater gone awry. Turns out I didn’t pick up enough stitches around the edges, and I will need to tear that out and start again. When I was getting so close to being finished with my sweater, I thought: “I didn’t even plan it and this sweater will be done just in time for my birthday. It will be the first sweater I’ve ever knit for myself, finished for my 30th birthday, how special is that?” I also had the thought that I would wear it to the fiber festival this coming weekend with one of our shawl pins on the front. Obviously, things didn’t quite go that way and clearly I got a bit ahead of myself. I’m setting this project aside for now so I can focus all my knitting energies on Bracken’s birthday gift.
As for reading, I’ve heard the book ‘Continuum Concept’ by Jean Leidloff recommended so many times over the years and I’m finally reading it. The library brought it in for me from a nearby library and I don’t think I’ll have to worry about finishing it in time because it is not as long as I had expected. I’m finding it very interesting. Have any of you ever read it?
How about you? Knitting? Reading?
P.S. Home sick this week and have been cancelling all our plans throughout the week. It was nice to rest on my birthday, but now I just want to be fully functioning again. I can’t believe how much toilet paper we’ve gone through since I’ve been blowing my nose so much, I think nearly every trash can in the house is full to the brim. I lost my voice and joked “Is this the Universe’s way of telling me that I talk too much?” Ha! When I was a teenager, a girlfriend and I liked the sound of our voices whenever we were sick and lost our voices, thinking it sounded sexy. What in the world were we thinking? I just sound hoarse and phlegmy.
Hope your feeling better. I understand though, I’ve been in the same boat with the cold my husband gifted me and the fun it decided to cause by becoming bronchitis.
The reason I’m posting is to say that if you give the library a few days, they can often get an extension on Inter-library Loans. It does take a few days though. Hopefully you won’t need this, but it’s always nice to know its available.
Thanks for telling me Melissa! I might need it! 🙂
I always find that a cup of boiling hot water with raw apple cider vinegar, honey ginger and a bit of clove can help knock out whatever is ailing you. I don’t know where you are finding the strength to knit but good on ya! and feel better soon!
I’ve never heard of that remedy before, thanks for sharing! 🙂
Oh no! I am reading this post in bed with the worst headcold and a wad of toilet paper in my hand as I type. I feel awful so I can empathize with you.
I tried to find that book just now to put in on hold at my library but they don’t carry it. I will search for it is a used bookstore perhaps…looks interesting .
Love the color of the sweater!
Get well soon.
Can they get it in for you from another library? I request for our library to do that all the time. Hope you feel better soon too, Tracy! <3
I do hope you are soon feeling much better. A sure sign the seasons are changing when everyone is going down with colds! x
I hope you are feeling better soon! Lots of rest and liquids. I hope it’s ok for me to make a suggestion as someone who suffers from allergies and can go through an alarming amount of Kleenex which is not cheap. The next time you’re at the thrift store look for old, soft, tshirts. The white undershirts are best because they don’t have any screenprints and are usually very soft. Cut them up into handkerchief size pieces and uses those when you are at home. They are easily washed in hot water to kill any germs and if they are too grody you can throw them out because they were so cheap. That will hopefully save your wallet and your poor nose. Toilet paper can be so rough on the skin on your nose leaving it chaffed and painful. Sorry about writing a book length comment! LOL! I hope this suggestion helps! Feel better soon.
That is a great idea!! (Right now we are without a washing machine and washing all our laundry at the laundromat. I’m keeping all my laundry to a minimum for the time being. I’ll save that suggestion for when we have a working washing machine again!) 🙂