G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
(If you would like to join us, see below. Our gratefulness feeds one another.)
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
…All the interesting looking mushrooms we find around the place.
…An enjoyable dream that made me want to stay in bed and keep dreaming. I love those.
…Our neighbor sharing salmon with us and even bringing over her smoker for us to borrow. We’re giving thanks to her with each bite of smoked salmon we eat!
…My grandma taking such good care of my mom in Florida, while she recovers from her surgery.
…The creative things that Bracken makes every day. Inventions, art projects, you name it, he is always full of ideas.
…Late night talks with Jeff. Most nights we are much too tired for those and fall asleep right away, and even though we might pay for it the next day with lack of sleep, those rare late night talks are always wonderful and appreciated.
…Taking breaks from frustrating projects to do something else. Sometimes I’m stubborn and want to forge ahead until I make something work, but sometimes the best thing is to just take a breather.
…Bracken’s performance to “Jingle Bells” for his grandma and great-grandma on skype.
…The reminder that while life doesn’t always give us what we want, it always gives us what we need.
…The simple solution of leaving the house earlier for appointments, thus having a less stressful morning. While I used to be so good about that, I was starting to slip and we were all feeling the effects.
…Teamwork to get dinner on the table. Bracken getting the ferments, Jeff making the salad, and me cleaning up the dishes and serving up the fish. Because the faster we got the food ready, the sooner we could start our movie night.
…Getting all the dishes done last night so we could begin this morning with a fresh kitchen.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
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I’m feeling so grateful for our first morning of snow here in Southeast Alaska. Hooray! A few quick apple slices and we were out the door to have “snow breakfast”! Now we are back inside for hot chocolate and bacon pancakes, before heading back out. I’m also feeling grateful for the inspiration last week to say YES to the sweetest request to have “morning cake just like Mickey.” Fresh baked cornbread w/ homemade yogurt “icing” spread on top–oh, yes, I can agree to that!
Blessings to your sweet family!
Wonderful list! I love my evening talks with Prince Charming and little gifts and creations by my kids. My list is up for this week too.