I’m knitting up a simple pattern I’ve been working on, in some wonderfully squishy yarn I really enjoy working with. (Puffin by Quince & Co.)
‘Grandfather Twilight’ was recommended to us, so I requested it from the library. We love it, the pictures are so soothing and beautiful, and now Bracken wants a copy.
…Joining Ginny’s YarnAlong
Gina says
I’ve not heard of this book before. I will check my library for it. Love the color of your squishy yarn! Thank you for sharing!
Earnest Efforts says
I shared to FB using a new link on Pinterest, so don’t think I’ve abandoned by morning rituals 🙂
Bianca says
Grandfather Twilight is wonderful. Always a favorite of ours. Have you seen When the Sun Rose? Much like a companion book to Grandfather Twilight. Do get it out of the library. They both used to be in paperback but maybe they are out of print now. Both very special books.
Have a wonderful day!