G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
(If you would like to join us, see below. Our gratefulness feeds one another.)
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
…Tiny yellow flowers on a rainy day. (From the watercress seeds Jeff scattered, that came up everywhere.) Is there a happier color than yellow?
…Sleeping in when you need some extra sleep.
…Surprise calls from friends.
…A break in the hail (and pouring rain) to go on our walk. No matter how hard it’s raining that day, if I’m patient and wait for the opportunity, there is almost always a break in the weather for a walk.
…Going into town early to have plenty of time for errands, and to not be quite so rushed.
…Washing our sheets and then spraying them with rose flower water when I made the bed. What a good smell!
…Seizing the opportunity of clear skies and bringing in lots of firewood.
…Finally putting grit for the chickens in a metal bucket. (I had a bag of grit sitting in the chicken coop and they had poked a hole in it and grit was spilling everywhere.)
…The meals that are a labor of love for Jeff and I to make, taking more time and effort, but that are such a nutritious blessing to our family.
…Packaging up my orders and Jeff and Bracken going to the post office to mail them out for me, so I could have a few minutes to myself at home to get things done around the house.
…How happy Bracken was when he caught two butterflies in the garden.
…Jeff bringing me the first nettles harvest and juicing them with cilantro, ginger, celery, carrots, beet, lemon, and apple. Those nettles are pure green goodness!
…Time in the kitchen yesterday making popsicles, coconut oil treats, baked sweet potato rounds, and muffins. Time making good food is time well spent.
…Wrapping the prayer shawl, that my grandma knit, around my shoulders when I come to my desk in the morning. It keeps me warm in more ways than one.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
Whether your week flowed smoothly or you had a rough one, taking the time to focus on what you’re grateful for always makes things better and will bring you a happy heart!
What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?
Share with us below!
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I enjoy reading your ‘gratitude’s’. You inspire me to look for the simpler things in my life! You have a very sweet soul, Taryn! ;o))
Kris in WA