{ G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y :: Sunday’s heartfelt tradition.
A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
…Seeing how tall the passionflower in the garden grew throughout the year. Now it’s towering over the entrance to Bracken’s slide, just like we had envisioned when we planted it.
…A new pen. A new journal. A new day. Fresh starts, even in simple ways.
…Having a dream about my friend and then seeing the next day that she had her baby. So happy for their family.
…Jeff fixing our water heater when it stopped working. That is one stress we can do without right now!
…Bracken bringing a snack to Jeff in bed when he had a cold. He so carefully put the snack in a little basket with dried flowers, and his sweet thoughtfulness alone made Jeff feel better.
…The support of family and friends, and the help they offer.
…A bunch of firewood delivered to our house. What a good feeling. Winter is so much more enjoyable with firewood.
…Getting everything we needed transported to Holiday Market. Jeff said we looked like the Beverly Hillbillies with chairs bungee-corded to our roof, and I laughed because we certainly did, but we got it there by golly!
…Waking up with calm emotions after a good night’s sleep. Sleep can work wonders in so many ways, really. And my mom’s reminder that the holiday season is always crazy for us with our business, and that it won’t always be so crazy busy. I needed that reminder.
…Coming home to a warm house last night and Jeff having dinner all ready and waiting for me, bless him. And then hearing about Jeff and Bracken’s fun day together while I was at the Holiday Market.
(You can read more about the inspiration for Gratitude Sunday here.) Like to Join Us for Gratitude Sunday? If you are a blogger, click on the blue button below to add your link.When adding your link… Link the URL to your blog post and not to your main blog URL. In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us. Or… Share your list (whether one or many) in the comments (located next to the title of this post.) Thanks for joining!
Whether your week flowed smoothly or you had a rough one, taking the time to focus on what you’re grateful for always makes things better and will bring some calm to your heart.
Gratitude is good medicine.
What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?
Share with us below!
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Heidi says
Grateful for….
your lovely blog and the recipes you post. : )
having found my work in the world
making beeswax orbs with a friend
beeswax! (does anything smell better???)
time to myself to reset, recharge