Last week we planned a trip to Corvallis. We were overdue for bringing more buttons (and shawl pins!) to Stash. We head up to Corvallis every so often for that very reason, and I really like Corvallis, but we usually make it a quick trip and haven’t been able to explore the town very much. I thought it would be fun to make a day of it this time and Jeff and I made plans for places we’d like to see while we were there. Unfortunately, Jeff got a cold and needed to stay home, so I figured I’d postpone the exploring for our next trip together (I felt bad continuing our fun plans without him), but he encouraged me to explore the places we had wanted to even though he couldn’t make it. So that’s exactly what Bracken and I did. We called it our adventure day, and the sunny, beautiful weather really added to our feeling of festivity. After our first stop, Stash (where Bracken picked out the yarn for his next sweater, yay!), we went a few doors down to a toy shop and picked out a new sticker book for him, and then we headed to a nearby farm.
When I wrote in February about a farm store in southern Oregon, and how much I love finding good food wherever I travel, a reader named Jennifer recommended checking out an organic farm and restaurant near Corvallis. I took her recommendation (Thanks Jennifer!), and Bracken and I drove to Gathering Together Farm in Philomath. It was a very short drive from Corvallis and I’m so glad we took the time to visit. Everyone working there was so kind and friendly, their farmstand was full of good food, and the atmosphere was wonderful.
I was surprised by how much produce they were able to offer from their farm this time of year, and what wasn’t in season they were able to supplement from elsewhere, so there was ample variety and fresh produce to choose from. We met a couple with whom we share mutual friends, and they used to sell at the Eugene Saturday Market (where we’ve had a booth for years.) What a small world! The restaurant had a clear roof and windows all around, so it felt like we were sitting outside. With the beautiful weather that day, it felt wonderful out there. I wasn’t sure if there would be very many gluten-free options for us to choose from, but the food was amazing with such high quality ingredients and each plate presented as a work of art. We savored our time there.
And then we stopped at the First Alternative Natural Foods Co-op to get some groceries before we started for home. A friend introduced me to the co-op years ago when we went to a nearby farm to pick peaches one summer, and I’ve probably visited it every time I’ve gone to Corvallis since. It’s a great spot! And though it wasn’t a new place for me to explore in Corvallis, it was still an essential stop on my list that day. In addition to the groceries, I picked up two treats for myself, a Honey Mama’s bar, and some Wild Tonic (blueberry and basil are a good combination, who knew?)
Finally, as we were driving home, we stopped by Sunset Valley Organics. I had seen their farm sign each time we had driven by and was curious to check it out. Since we were all out of blueberries (a dire situation in our household since frozen blueberries are a beloved nightly ritual), it was the perfect time to go and pick up more blueberries to last us until blueberry season comes again. We brought home frozen blueberries, frozen raspberries, and tried some aronia berries for the first time. (Ever heard of them? They are so good for you. Jeff loves the dried ones.)
And with that, we headed home, and brought back some good food with us for Jeff to enjoy. I thought it would be fun to share with you some of the places we enjoyed visiting in Corvallis during our adventure day, in case you happen to be passing through at some point. For those of you familiar with the area, what are some of your favorite places to visit and eat in Corvallis? (I know our stops revolved around yarn and food, but we do enjoy other activities as well, so don’t feel limited to only mentioning places involving those two things.) Thanks in advance, it will give us some ideas for our next trip because we have a lot more exploring to do!
It was so fun to meet you and Bracken at GTF!
You too Felice! I’m so grateful you came over and said hello! 🙂
Yay!!! I’m so glad you stopped by!!! We think of it quite a lot. Maybe next summer will be the magical summer of catching you guys in Eugene and then another visit to Gathering Together Farm.
I’m so glad you recommended it! And I like your plans, it would be great to meet you. 🙂