{G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y :: Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitude.}
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
…Enjoying the last of the honeysuckles blooming in the garden. Since these pictures were taken, they’re almost all done now. I keep smelling the last few still blooming. I’m savoring that scent because it will be a year before I get to smell it again.
…Singing as loud as I want to when I’m by myself in the car. Sometimes when I try to sing in front of other people my voice gets squeaky or it can feel like my throat stops making noise, but when I sing by myself I can really belt it out and it feels really good.
…Bracken building a fort in the fig tree and surrounding bushes and then loving it so much he asked us if we could bring him dinner out there so he could eat it in his fort. (We agreed on breakfast instead- less mosquitoes.)
…Communication clearing up confusion and misunderstanding.
…Bracken putting his hand on my arm while I was reading to him and then falling asleep that way. What a precious feeling.
…Being better about my time management when I needed to get out the door in the morning. (Sometimes I have to keep myself from doing just one more thing before we leave because that one more thing can turn into a bunch more things.)
…My mom joining a group of volunteers to clean the beach near where she lives in Florida and making it safer for the animals there.
…Slowing down, getting grounded at home, and taking some time for self-care. This week that meant breaks from work to go on walks outside with my family. Sometimes I stand in one place for too long (like the kitchen sink) and my body needs to get moving.
…Jeff supporting me in trusting my intuition. And being a good listener while I talk things out, and understanding me so well.
…Making progress unpacking and organizing after our show. Somehow it felt like our house shrunk and there wasn’t room for our display pieces anymore, so I’m working on some new organizational ideas to make better use of our space and find more places for things to be stored.
…Any acts of kindness, peace, and love that I witness in the world.
(You can read more about the inspiration for Gratitude Sunday here.) Like to Join Us for Gratitude Sunday? If you are a blogger, click on the blue button below to add your link. When adding your link… Link the URL to your blog post with your gratitude list and not to your main blog URL. In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us. Or… Share your list (whether one or many) in the comments (located next to the title of this post.) Thanks for joining!
Whether your week flowed smoothly or you had a rough one, taking the time to focus on what you’re grateful for always makes things better and will bring some calm to your heart.
Gratitude is good medicine.
What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?
Share with us below!
…Let’s lift each other up and count our blessings together…
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I really like to read your Gratitude Sunday blogs. I especially like this one. Spot on. Thanks for helping to make my day!