We got back early this week, but our schedule has been going nonstop since our return, so I’m just now getting a chance to share about last weekend. Knot Another Fiber Festival was lovely. I hardly took any pictures over the weekend, either being busy in the booth, or connecting with friends, or meeting new people (or squishing yarn!) Not only was the location beautiful, being in The Dalles, but the building where the festival took place was such a great space, it was full of natural light and had amazing views of the Columbia River Gorge.
I decided before going that I didn’t really need much yarn (ha!), since I told myself I should make a dent in my current stash at home before adding too much more to it… but I came home with a handful of skeins. Each one called out to me- either for a particular project, or for a purpose that hadn’t revealed itself quite yet. I know they’ll all be made into something. My stash is still at a manageable level, so I could justify adding a bit more, and you know what? Yarn makes me happy. I love it. And I make a lot of gifts with it. (Oh, and there was a yarn-winding station set up at KAFF, which I thought was awesome. I learned how to use a skein winder for the first time and was glad to get some yarn ready to start a project right away.)
I did take a few pictures during our trek home. We stayed Sunday night, after packing up our booth, and headed out Monday morning. We stopped in Hood River on the way to get some breakfast. (We cooked all weekend, so we sure appreciated eating out, it was such a treat for us to eat a meal we didn’t prepare!) We ate at Farm Stand in the Gorge, a great spot with a grocery store and cafe all rolled into one, and the food was delicious. I would highly recommend it if you ever find yourself in the area. At our house, eating high-quality meat is important to us, and we’d rather eat less of it if it means being able to afford the pasture-raised meat from local farms. Farm Stand in the Gorge had organic meat on it’s menu, which is rare to find at a restaurant. I appreciated all the gluten-free options too.
We had another fun stop on the way home, Multnomah Falls. It’s the tallest waterfall in Oregon, and such a beautiful sight. Our pup was happy for the opportunity to stretch his legs and have a break from the car. We didn’t go on the hike, our visit was short and sweet that day instead. During the rest of the drive we listened to history curriculum, and I knit while Jeff drove, and B was busy finger knitting. My boy and I declared ourselves yarn buddies, and talked about projects. I thought about how Jeff and I tried different festivals throughout the year, to see which were a good fit for us, and how time and again we came back to fiber festivals. Fiber festivals have been the best fit for our us, and also happen to be the festivals we enjoy the most. I’m grateful for the opportunities that have presented themselves, so we can continue to delve deeper into the fiber world we love so much!
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