Hi there! I’m back to talk about garlic some more. Where I left off in the last post, I told you about previous garlic harvests, the 2023 garlic harvest doing poorly in those raised beds, and that we were wondering where to plant garlic in the fall to have better results.
We ended up doing something we had never done before, and that was to plant garlic in pots! It was a curious idea to me at first, I just had never thought of doing that, but it turned out to be a great way for us to grow our garlic.
We bought some large pots at a nearby garden center, and planted the garlic in those because of the issues we had previously with drainage in certain raised beds during the rainy winter season.
We decided to put the pots of garlic in the greenhouse for the winter to better regulate the amount of water and nutrients we wanted them to be getting.
The garlic did so well in pots in the greenhouse that we plan to grow them the same way this year!
We plant our garlic in the fall, and then harvest it the following summer. First we harvest the garlic scapes, and then the garlic bulbs. (Luckily, the garlic bulbs are ready just in time for cucumber season, when we start making lots of pickles with garlic! Perfect timing for fresh basil and pesto making too!)
The variety we grew this time around was called German Extra Hardy. When we went to purchase garlic locally where we usually get it, we found the garlic all sold out, and searched online until we found another similar variety. When we came across German Extra Hardy Garlic from Annie’s Heirloom Seeds, we decided to give that a try for the first time.
Once again, we chose a variety with large cloves (our favorite), but I think the cold hardiness of the variety ended up being a good thing as well. Last winter was a cold one here, and growing the garlic in pots made it more susceptible to cold temperatures as well. (Also- the lower greenhouse where we plant the garlic is more of a high tunnel, open on both ends, and is in a spot that gets pretty cold on the property.)
After last year’s poor garlic harvest, it made us even more grateful for a good garlic harvest this year. And it was a beautiful harvest! (The last two pictures show the pink blush on the bulbs after they cure a bit.)
If you would love to grow garlic, but have been imagining large farms and large fields to do so (and that’s not the space you have to work with)- I hope hearing about growing garlic in pots will give you some inspiration to see what you could grow in the space you have available.
I wish I had pictures of growing the garlic in pots to share here with you, but plan to do so the next time we grow garlic to share more of the process.
Okay, garlic lovers- tell me, do you grow garlic? What are your favorite varieties and places to purchase your garlic? Have you ever tried growing garlic in pots before?
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