As we’re soaking up the last days of summer, I wanted to take a moment to appreciate some of the things we love about summertime. Growing up in the Midwest, I especially loved the summer storms and the fireflies there. Oh, and sweet corn fresh from the farm. Funnily enough, I also loved the sound of lawnmowers, which always gave me a cozy summer feeling.
After moving to the Northwestern United States, there were many favorite things about summer that stayed the same, and others that were new. I appreciated having the ocean nearby, and visits to the beach definitely became a favorite part of my summers in the Pacific Northwest.
Recently I made a list of favorite summer things, then asked my family if they had anything to add, and we had fun coming up with this. We hope you’ll add your favorites in the comments!
What We Love About Summer:
…Walking in the garden, and the feeling of bare feet in warm grass
…Blue skies and fluffy clouds
…Laundry on the line, warmed by the sun
…Sun shining, birds singing
…Nature walks through sun dappled forests
…Flowers in bloom
…Baskets full of garden harvests to bring inside
…Open windows and fresh breezes flowing through the house
…The sound of windchimes
…Watching bees visiting flowers
…Sitting by the lake
…The colors of summer, everywhere we look in the garden
…A rainbow of fresh, delicious food to eat. Watermelon! Crunchy cucumbers… sweet corn… green beans…
…Meals enjoyed outdoors with family and friends
…The scent of flowers
…Toes in the sand, collecting shells and rocks at the beach
…Sun Tea
…Picking berries, and savoring each bite of juicy goodness
…Barbeque season
…Swimming in the river with friends
…Fresh picked peaches
…Watching the waves at the ocean, and talking with someone you love
What are some of your favorite things about summer? Your favorite things to do? To eat? To enjoy?
Leave a comment, and let’s share the summer goodness!
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