We love repurposing things in the garden. Do you remember this post where I wrote all about that very thing? Over the years we’ve repurposed wheelbarrows, old sinks, wagons, teacups, teapots… the list goes on and on. One of my favorites is the old metal bathtub that we turned into a garden bed over the summer. Jeff put some drainage holes in the bottom, filled it with soil, and it made the perfect planter. (The hardest part was getting it moved to where we wanted it because the thing was so darn heavy. Jeff saw me attempting to move it one day and told me to be careful, afraid I would hurt myself, as he hurried over to where I was. I said something along the lines of “Don’t you know your wife is stubborn as an old goat?” I was determined to move it where I wanted it and figured out a way to do it, bit by bit, without injuring myself.)
Our happiest zucchini plant we had this year was grown in that bathtub. It grew to a massive size and kept producing squash longer than any of our other plants. I know I’ve written here many times before about the challenge we have with moles in our yard. (To keep from repeating myself again and again (and boring you), I’ll simply link to this post about the raised beds we built with hardware cloth and the other things we’ve done to work around that.) The bathtub is mole-proof, hooray! I may have fantasized about buying lots of bathtubs and putting them all around the garden… 🙂
I thought I would share this with you in case you had a bathtub lying around and wanted an instant mole-proof raised bed in your garden- perhaps you’ll see the discarded old thing in a whole new light!
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