I am so grateful for dreams. Throughout my life, my dreamtime has been filled with messages, guidance, and prophecies. My mom always said I got it from my great grandmother, who often had vivid dreams of events before they happened. My dreams have cautioned me of things to avoid, guided me towards things to pursue, helped me see situations with more clarity, and just given me general information to make my life at the time easier and more enjoyable. I feel that in our day to day rush, the gentle voice of our intuition can sometimes go unheard. At night, during the quiet, our intuition has the entrance, space, and opening to communicate to us through our dreams.
I’ve had many dreams of happenings that later came true. Ever since Bracken’s birth, it seems my dreamworld has expanded even further into a vibrant explosion of colorful activity. Night after night, lucid dreams come to me with an archetypal language.
Some dreams stay with me for days afterward. This week I had one such dream, where I met one of my new guides.
In the dream, I was walking on a sidewalk, along a busy road. I wanted to cross to the other side, but there was traffic going in both directions that didn’t look like it was about to let up, so I figured I would have to wait for awhile. Then I noticed that a little ways ahead was a place that was marked to cross, with a crossing guard. When I reached it, the crossing guard, a tall man with brown hair, stopped traffic and lead me safely across the street to the other side. What could have taken me so long by myself, went quickly, easily, and effortlessly, with the help of this man. Upon arrival on the other side of the road, he looked at me and asked “Do you remember me?”
I replied “You look so familiar….where do I know you from?”….
Looking into his deep brown eyes I was suddenly overcome by a wave of chills igniting all of my skin and a deep knowing so powerful I nearly cried. “I’ve known you for lifetimes and lifetimes!” I exclaimed as the realization hit me.
“Yep” he said with a warm smile.
He was a soul friend and I had missed him oh so dearly, and had just then remembered!
I reached up on tippy toes and we embraced in heartfelt hug and I was so grateful for his presence in my life again.
Walking, I knew that he would help me through my days.
When I woke up, I knew in my heart that I had a new guide with me who would give me constant, steady support throughout my life path, helping me reach my highest potential and fulfill my purpose. A steady presence of love, support, reassurance, and so much help.
When I woke up, I knew in my heart that I had a new guide with me who would give me constant, steady support throughout my life path, helping me reach my highest potential and fulfill my purpose. A steady presence of love, support, reassurance, and so much help.
For this, I am deeply grateful.
While I write this Bracken is sleeping in my arms. I can tell he is dreaming by the expressions that cross his face. With dreams on my mind, I often wonder what he is dreaming of?
What dreams have stayed with you?
What dreams have shaped you or impacted you in some way?
Are you paying attention to your dreams and the gifts they bring?
Are you paying attention to your dreams and the gifts they bring?
Goofy Mama says
This was a really cool post. I wish my dreams were as vivid and powerful as yours.
earthybirthyamanda says
What a beautiful vision, Taryn! Thank you so much for sharing. I was able to finally see two of my guides this past weekend during a meditation at a spiritual workshop. I am still in my seven days of integrating, but I will post about some of my experiences on my blog soon.
And I want to thank you again for sharing your vision/dream/prophecy with me about our newest blessing. We are so happy, and your words really did bring about a peace that I think helped us open our hearts. I hope that makes sense. It’s late and I didn’t get my nap today. 😉
Love and Light,
Lindsey @ The Herbangardener says
What a wonderful dream, meeting a guide! How very special. Thanks for sharing this!
I have one particular dream that will always stay with me. Soon after my dearest friend Sonja was killed, I had lots of dreams that helped explain why it happened the way it did, but there was one especially-special dream: it was simply a piece of paper (which represented my life), and TWO pairs of scissors cutting the paper, which represented me continuing to live my life, but now with Sonja right by my side helping me out.
It still gives me a lump in my throat to remember it!
Trish says
Funny you should write abut dreams this week! I have had a wonderful week of amazing dreams. In one I was in Italy (i’ve never been to Italy before!). The scenery was breathtaking, mountains, gardens and peace! In another dream I was standing still while everything around me was whizzing past all I could see was colored lines of light, it was a wonderful feeling, I was slowly moving, but it wasn’t a struggle it was fun!
I love dreams!
I love to hear of your dreams.
Much love.x
rainblissed says
How wonderful! My dream life used to be so rich and meaningful, too. The dream that has stayed with me the most was the one that freed me to love and commit myself to my sweet partner. Sadly, since my son was born, dreaming has nearly stopped for me. 4 years of severely impaired sleep has robbed me of this key life-line. I’m starting to reconnect, but still have a long way to go. But, I hope that one day, my powerful dreams will return!