Dear Deck Family Farm,
When I learned about factory farm meat, I searched for a better alternative. When I learned that the “organic” and “free-range” meat from the grocery store wasn’t much better, I searched for a better alternative. One that was healthier for my family, more humane to the animals, and more in harmony with the earth. When I learned about the diets that animals naturally eat and how much healthier they are when they do, I searched for a local farm that raised that kind of meat. When I discovered your family farm, I felt lucky. I loved that our meat didn’t have to travel across the world to make it’s way to our plate. I loved that money spent at your farmer’s market booth was supporting a family with so much integrity and honorable values. I loved that I felt more connected to what we were eating and felt thankful for the life each animal gave. I loved that our family was being nourished with such good food.
My appreciation for the food you produce has been great over the past few years. Each bite has felt like a gift. Your grass-fed beef and lamb, pastured pork and chicken, were truly the best (understatement), most flavorful, I’d ever tasted and made me wonder how I could eat any other meat ever again.
Then I visited your farm for the first time. When I got a small glimpse of the hard work you do each and every day to feed families like mine, I was humbled. So humbled. And my gratitude for your service deepened infinitely. I could hardly wrap my head around all you do and how you do it. (Man, I had thought homesteading was a lot of work.) I admired your honesty and down-to-earth way of being. I loved the feeling of community and camaraderie. I was in awe of the sacred occupation of feeding families healthy food. I looked at your price list with a new perspective, with greater realization of how low your prices were for all that went into bringing it to the table. I realized that the nutrient-dense food you sell is worth every penny, but really it’s worth so much more than that. So much more.
I guess I just wanted to write to you to say, if you ever wonder if all your hard work is being appreciated. It is. If you ever wonder if you are truly making a difference. You are.
I just wanted to say
Thank You.
With Gratitude,
The Wilson Family
It’s truly radical and revolutionary in this day and age to have a place like this supplying good & healthful food to local folks. Your letter is so beautifully written and wonderful.
Awe!! You made me tear up because that’s exactly how we feel about our local grass fed beef farm(and all our local farmers)! You’ve inspired me to make sure that they too know how special they are. Thank You.
hear, hear!
beautifully stated, taryn… and i feel the same way about this family, their farm, and their meat
… and now i’m hungry!
🙂 teri
Taryn, that was beautiful and so respectful.
Much love.
What a kind letter. My family is vegetarian, but it’s so nice to know there are farms like this one out there.