There can be such an obsession with reaching milestones at specific times in our society, a tendency to rush things along to the next phase. Someone asked me awhile ago if Bracken was talking yet and when they learned he wasn’t talking in long sentences at that point, suggested a speech therapist. I was surprised at the suggestion, thinking: he’s only two. We would certainly do that if our intuition guided us in that direction, but it hasn’t. All children (and people) do things at there own pace and in their own time. Bracken is intelligent and bright and he chooses to use words as much as he wants to or not. Many of the children his age in our Rainbow Bridge class are talking more than he is and he seems to have more of an interest in speaking after being around them. Jeff and I understand what he is communicating a large majority of the time and when we are with others, he looks at me to translate what he’s saying to them. It seems to motivate him to use words more. Sometimes he does get frustrated at home if we don’t know what he means and as soon as we figure it out he is so relieved. He uses many signs, lots of which he makes up himself. Sometimes he uses his whole body to say things. He has very expressive communication. To me, his speech seems to be unfolding just as it is meant to. He loves people and watching the way he interacts so lovingly with others really warms our heart. The love he shares is beyond what any words could say.
“Hah-Hah” (Hot)
“Gar-Geh” (Garlic or Garbage)
“Ga-Ga” (Clock)
“Bee” (Pee)
“Ahm Ahm” (Vroom/Car)
“Nan-ner-nuh” (Banana)
“Bebee” (Apple)
“Oof Oof” (Woof Woof/Dog)
I love the way he says “yay” with so much sweetness and excitement, the way he says “bay” (bear) when he wants to give a good bear hug, and the way he says “wuv-wee” (love you) so sing-songy. He loves to touch glasses together and say “dee” (cheers.) He has said the word “blueberries” clear as a bell before, but most of the time says “bloo-bay.” His word for grandma is also “mama.” One of his favorite words lately is “moh” (more.) More fruit, more time in the bath, more everything. My mom absolutely cracks up when she hears him say “nanoo” (tangerine) because she will always remember a phone conversation we had where Bracken was in the background saying “Mama, Nanoo!” over and over and over. He wanted a tangerine in a real bad way. He refers to himself as “baby” and if he wants something sometimes he will say “baby” and then point to it. Today as he was napping, he was talking in his sleep and said “nay, nay” (please.) We say please and “dah-dee” (thank you) a lot. I think “nan-ner-nuh” (banana) is one of my favorites.
Well, I have a lot of favorites.
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