(since mine chose this day to quit working)
Cut out the Door (it doesn’t have to be real tight.. Airflow is good)
I was going to use 3 Palettes
in a U shape
for the base.
And mount wheels on top for rollers for it to roll on.
Then Taryn said,
“What about that thing”.
Well “that thing” was a perfect fit…
I was going to use it for another project,
(an industrial sized Food Dehydrator)
But I think I actually have another.
These were the bases of some machinery
where a friend worked.
They just left it when the closed down
and said he could have any he wanted…
So I traded something and got two of these bases
with machinery on them.
For Free.
Fits like it was made for it.
I put a 2 by 2 across the top of the stand
to mount the wheels to.

Drilled the end for air flow.
Attached hinges and haspsA lonely goose came by for a visit.
YAY, he made a friend!!!
Here it is rolling on the wheels
Put a bunch of chicken poop in for the bacteria..
And the first bucket of Kitchen compost and weeds…
And a few worms for extra fun..
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