And a bit of a Rant
Today I want to talk about how to create your own home rendered lard. A healthy alternative to the Vegetable Oils that are so bad for you. There has been a lot of Bad Information based on Poor science fed to the population during the last few decades about the dangers of Animal Fats in the diet. Most of this information came from a single poorly done study which was bolstered by Corporations that had toxic Bi-products that they wanted to Sell to the general population. TA DUH…. Margarine and vegetable oils. This study observed that folks who died of heart disease had cholesterol plaque encrusted on their arteries and so surmised that the dietary intake of high cholesterol substances was at the heart of Heart Disease. BAD SCIENCE! (Did you know that most folks who die, of almost all diseases…Have Hair on their heads…..OMG, better get bald!!)
But all those corporate owned government entities with all those various initials like the FDA, USDA, AMA, WHO, CDC etc, financed by the same corporations (in a round about way) jumped on the band wagon, and all came to the corporations aid and began to sell us this erroneous and deadly idea. The fact is that the most healthy humans on the planet tend to ingest the most natural animal fats, AND until the last century when humans began ingesting large amounts of vegetable fats and fake food, heart disease was virtually unknown. The actual Truth is that Plaque forms from Cholesterol to protect the body. The reason humans get hardening of the arteries is that they have systemic inflammation caused by the intake of substances human bodies were not meant to ingest, or breathe, or put on their bodies. Hardening of the arteries is the bodies natural defense against this inflammation, and reducing the dietary intake of cholesterol, rather than having any positive impact on the body, is very dangerous. But with a gazillion dollars at stake in the Pharmaceutical industry (hello Statin Drugs) and Junk foods industries, there’s not much chance you will hear about this from your doctors whose coursework was mostly financed by these same companies. But the information is out there, the studies overwhelming as to the actual truth of the matter. So Have no Fear, healthy organic animal fats are a boon to health. OH, just a side note here. If you are interested in optimal health and longevity, listen very closely to those corporate owned government entities mentioned above, LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY to the FDA, USDA, AMA, WHO, and the CDC….. Then DO THE OPPOSITE.
OK, now we come to how to make your own liquid Sunshine. I call it this because it’s chock full of good Vitamin D, which most humans are very deficient in. (you want to look for a good cause of disease, here it is.)
First off you need to get good organic GRASS FED pork fat, the Kidney Fat supposedly is best. It’s very important that you get organic and grass fed, otherwise you will have a deadly GMO fed, and antibiotic Laden toxic non edible foodstuff. The fat tends to load up on these horrible things that will cause your health to decline, rather than grow… HELLO MRSA, thank you antibiotic laden factory farmed meats for that…. More people dying in hospitals from that than the conditions they go in for…OOPS, more ranting….. Anyway,
So you get your hands on some REAL Pork Fat, from some good local farmer whose operation isn’t owned by some big corporation….good ol Ma and Pa Kettle down the road, who actually care for the animals, the environment and their fellow humans, like our friends at Deck Family Farm where we get ours.
Take a big ol pile of this fat and put it in a big pan with a lid on it.
Then put it in the oven on really low. I’ve found 150 degrees gives us the most amazing GOLDEN beautiful liquid that hardens snow white. But the truth is around this household, as soon as Bracken gets a whiff of that fat cookin, he’s begging for some. (It’s one of the foods he’ll eat and eat…that and salmon…and blueberries…) so I generally have to turn it up a bit to speed up the process….because once it’s done you are left with liquid sunshine….and Cracklings, which Bracken eats hand over fist, and we put into our dozen or so egg yolks at dinner time (with some onions, celery, turmeric, garlic and salt). We sometimes joke that our favorite food is Fat Fried in Fat with a little fried fat on the side.

So anyway you put it in overnight or so, for a long time, check it in the morning…then pour off the liquid sunshine, cut up with some scissors or a knife what’s left in the pan if it’s still pretty fatty looking, then put it back in for a few hours. You don’t want to cook it totally to death if you want to feast on the cracklings, because the Leaf Lard (as they call the kidney fat) will practically totally disappear into the liquid gold. So quit when you have some nice brown crackling there in the pan. Pour off the rest of the Lard…And now you have the best thing to be cooking your eggs and other fried goods in. The beauty of the animal fats is they can remain stable under high heat..(unlike vegetable fats which become carcinogenic when they get too hot)…so now you have one of the best Oils you can ever get, health giving, REAL food that the human body was meant to ingest. (Although since most humans have been ingesting non-food chemical laden substances that they have been told are safe, their gut has been virtually destroyed and fats have become harder to digest) so start off not eating pounds of the cracklngs like we do…when we started on our REAL FOOD gut healing diet a few years ago, I couldn’t eat hardly any fat without major problems…now, if you knew how much we eat every day you probably wouldn’t believe it. But my lack of arthritis and lifelong terrible heartburn and GERD…thanks me. …OH, and if you live nearby and want some of this Lard, give us a Jingle…. we like those cracklings so much that we just keep making it, and have a freezer full of the lard.
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