G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
If you would like to join us, see below.
…The beautiful, blue morning glory flowers that Bracken gets so excited to see every time we stop at a favorite farm.
…Jeff and Bracken putting the dill seeds and coriander seeds in jars that they saved from the garden. Such good seasonings in the kitchen.
…The comfort of home and the comfort of pajamas. It always feels like a sigh of relief when I get to return home after a long day and put my cozy pajamas on.
…Jeff making up a story for Bracken even when he was so, so tired.
…Fire in the woodstove on a rainy night. Lighting a candle and listening to music.
…Jeff fixing the leaking hose by the chicken coop.
…The stress relief that peeling garlic provides. Every now and then I sit at the kitchen table and just peel garlic, it works wonders at relaxing me when I’m overwhelmed.
…The sunflower Bracken brought me from the garden and asked to put in a vase in the kitchen window.
…Bracken’s invites to “dance me, mama,” each and every day, all throughout the day. And then handing me a pretend microphone and giving one to himself so we can sing together.
…My brother in law being safe after being lost in the woods. He was surrounded with so many prayers that night.
…The new expression that Bracken has been saying all the time: “oh bother!” just like Winnie-the-Pooh. (Who Bracken adores.)
…My blog now being at: www.woolymossroots.com!
…Deciding not to run an errand and leave it for the following day so Bracken could play outside for a bit instead, which he really needed at that moment.
…Time with friends. Sharing food, chatting, and playing.
…Bracken walking a dog on a leash for the first time (his little furry friend Polly at market yesterday.)
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
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My goodness, I’m so glad your BIL is safe!!!
Oh sweet Taryn! I’ve missed you! Between the (insanely) busy summer and now a new website! I’m still adjusting to like as seven. My babe is nearly 6mo now, and I’m finally “feeling normal”. Getting back to my homesteading roots as we move closer to building our green home we are still “urban” homesteading! I still have a sweet dolly head that looks at me in patience for a body for a sweet little boy! Your new website is beautiful and as always, inspiring! Your “Gratitude Sunday” posts remind me (and hopeful all of us!) to slow down and appreciate all that is wonderful around us. You and your beautiful family are such an inspiration to us all! Thank you for sharing your art, your love and your world with us so we can learn from you!
Samantha Disch
(The Handmade Farm)
Ha! One of my favorite things to do is peel and chop garlic. It just centers me and leaves me feeling calm. I wonder if it’s those wonderful healing properties? Today I’m thankful for love and…chia seeds!
Wonderful list. I am glad your brother in law is safe and I love your new blog home.
Mine are up too: http://tc-twistedfairytale.blogspot.ca/2014/10/gratitude-sunday.html