G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
(If you would like to join us, see below. Our gratefulness feeds one another.)
…The beautiful red color that the blueberry leaves turn in our garden in the fall.
…Finding a bag of raspberries in the freezer that I forgot about.
…The three of us raking up leaves in the driveway and putting them in the chicken yard.
…The smell of firewood all covered in sap.
…Washing a load of woolens. (Though next time I need to get the wool soap that is unscented since the smell was a bit too strong for me.)
…Getting the stains (mostly) out of my favorite shirt so I can wear it again.
…A break in the rain when I really needed to take some pictures for our Etsy shops.
…Smoothies at the end of the day. (I thought we’d enjoy those in the summer and be done, but the smoothies are still going strong in our house these days.)
…The surprise of fresh cucumbers at a favorite farm. They tasted divine- like a burst of summer in the fall- on a salad.
…Bringing home a whole basket of new library books to read. Bracken is always delighted to have fresh reading material for mom and dad to read to him.
…Finding two Winnie the Pooh puzzles for a dollar each. Bracken has been enjoying them so much and they’re great for rainy days.
…Bracken gathering ingredients for his “potions” around the yard. The last nasturtium flowers. Lemon balm leaves. A handful of raspberries.
…Elderberry ginger tea on a cold night.
…My step sister giving birth to a beautiful baby boy.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
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Twisted Cinderella says
wonderful list. Congrats to your step-sister!
Mine is up too: http://tc-twistedfairytale.blogspot.ca/2014/11/gratitude-sunday_9.html