G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratiudes.}
(If you would like to join us, see below. Our gratefulness feeds one another.)
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
…The beautiful cloud covered skies we watched when we walked out our front door.
…Visiting a new grocery store. It’s always fun to see new places, even if it’s just a grocery store. And it was a good one.
…Driving past so many Christmas lights on our way back from holiday market each evening. I loved Bracken’s “wows” from the backseat. I loved seeing Christmas lights so much when I was a child and was happy for him to get to enjoy them too.
…Bracken splashing in a puddle and then announcing to me that his rainboots “work really good, mama!”
…Replacing the lid on our drinking container that had been leaking and spilling every time we brought it anywhere.
…Bracken being so good for Jeff when they went to the chiropractor just the two of them while I watched our market booth. (And then Bracken doing pretty darn well at market with me when Jeff was sick with a cold and couldn’t watch the booth the last day.)
…That Jeff didn’t get sick during our holiday market until the very last day.
…The booth neighbors who helped keep an eye on our booth so I could keep my promise to Bracken (that he had been looking forward to all year) and watch the belly dance performance with him during the last hour on the last day. There was no candle balancing on the head this year, much to his disappointment, but there was sword balancing and there were even large wings with Christmas lights in them!
…Coming home on Christmas Eve from our last market day to a warm roast with onions and vegetables that Jeff had prepared and put in the crock pot. After so many long days in a row, what a treat to come home to a warm meal already made.
…Following the tradition we started last year and having a stocking for our chickens, then giving them a bag of mealworms on Christmas day.
…That I didn’t get Jeff’s cold until Christmas night. (After we’d already unloaded the first round of market stuff from the car, enjoyed our celebrations, and made a bit of progress around the house.)
…The rest of our booth packed up, our holiday market season wrapped up, and each and every customer who purchased their gifts (and gifts for themselves) from our family this holiday season. Thank you all, we’re so grateful.
…Being forced to slow down (with these colds) which isn’t convenient, but certainly needed. And knowing we have some home days ahead of us to rest and recover.
In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
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