(Yesterday, the flowers. Today, the festival.) We felt such a warm welcome to the Wildflower & Music Festival. It was our first year there and surely won’t be our last. We got great feedback on all the wood creations Jeff has been making and we ended up getting a corner booth and rearranged the way we usually set up, it was wonderful having it so open. Jeff was in the news, how fun to see that.
There was so much to see and do at the festival. We visited booths. We admired all the plants for sale. (And did a few trades and brought some home, yay! Though fitting even a few plants in our car at the end of the day, with all our other stuff in there, was pretty hilarious.) We went to the nature crafts booth and Bracken made a pine cone creature. We listened to music. We danced. We saw people we knew. We met new people. We had fun with friends.
I realized that, being a wildflower festival, it would be the perfect opportunity to have an excuse to wear our flower garlands again, that I had made for May Faire. I also had made a few for some friends for May Faire too. I was amazed at how many people asked about them all day long. Many people asked that I make them and sell them. That’s in the plans for next year’s springtime festivals, but for those of you who would like to make your own, the tutorial will be ready for you here soon because I got pictures over the weekend. (Oh, and Bracken’s vest still fits. I told you those are really worthwhile to make because they last such a long time!)
I thought the oak trees were so beautiful. We don’t see those near our house, as close as we are to the coast. Bracken kept pointing to trees and asking if it was an oak, so we would look at the leaves to see. I loved all the lichens and mosses hanging down. There was a doorway made of flowers and Bracken was told that if he walked through it, he would see fairies on the other side. He reported back that he didn’t see any, not even any bees, but his friend told him that maybe the fairies had seen him. He liked that.
We really lucked out with the weather this year. It was just gorgeous outside that day. Apparently last year there was a downpour the whole day, so we did indeed feel lucky. Flowers and sunshine go very well together. There were many smiling faces and many people enjoying themselves and having fun. What a full day. We had a great time and are looking forward to going back next year!
Your photos are awesome. I almost felt like I was there. The photos of Jeff & Bracket were heart warming – so much love there. Thanks for sharing. Mary Ann
Awesome booth! These festivals/markets/events all look so wonderful. I wish we had more accessible stuff like that around here. 🙂
Magnificent pics and your booth looked so free with all the open space!!! Must have felt good.