Last week Jeff harvested our onions out of the garden. He planted a few this year from seed, tucking them into one of the few planting spaces we had left available at the time. They were crowded. I’m pretty sure they don’t like to be crowded. Onions like lots of sunlight. They weren’t in a very sunny location. Oh, and I’m pretty sure they don’t like having moles digging under their roots and we had that happen too. We didn’t expect much from them since we weren’t giving them their ideal space to grow in to say the least, and the meager handful of wee onions Jeff harvested wouldn’t be considered prize produce by any means, but we were so delighted with those little beauties! Just having our own homegrown onions made us happy, even if they didn’t last long and we gobbled them all up in a few meals. I sauteed them with mushrooms and baked them in frittatas. They were delicious. And it’s got me wondering where we could fit in another raised bed in a sunnier location. We’re always trying to squeeze in just one more bed!
Jeannette says
I am always amazed by all the things you grow! You’re a cool chick, Taryn!
Robin Follette says
I planted sets of four varieties, carefully spaced, weeded and watered. They did alright. The free range onions, seeded by one bulb I let go to seed last year, provided an onion almost as big as a softball (it was fantastic!) and lots of other tasty, large onions. I left them in clumps of three and four bulbs and let them do their thing naturally. I don’t think I’ll bother with “correct” spacing again.
Bianca says
I did the same thing this year except I bought little onion sets. Well, I too am delighted with my small onions. Just a few but very special. My cucumbers were great this year. Ad something munched my turnips.